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I get that message when trying to view the image from the product page.


The products on the home page display just fine, this I was able to correct from using the PrestashopTheme Maker.


However once you select the product it will not display the image (basically not displaying medium, large, etc).




that is an example of what I am referring to.


If I go into my ftp /img/p/3/ and /img/p/4 (i can locate my images in these folders). I presume that it's a miss on where the images are being pointed to that might be incorrect?

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Something I just come across. When I look at the images via ftp, they are listed



However, if I check the path from IE I get this:



which indictes the path is incorrect somewhere, it shouldn't have the _default.jpg on the image. Which file am I looking for to correct this?

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Slightly yes and no. What I am looking for is large_default, medium_default, small_default, etc. These are located in various .tpl files. The shopping-cart.tpl takes care of a small_default, but it didn't resolve the large image. That is on line 178 in the product.tpl file.

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I think if you go into the BO under Images and create duplicate image files without the _default, your images will show up.

I removed the _default for your Viewed Products block image and it showed up.

For example you have:





Create a second set of these files:





Set all the checkmarks the same for each and don't get rid of the _default ones.

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I did not create the images as _default. They uploaded correctly, the path's from the product.tpl, etc have the img listed as large_default.

At this point this has been for the most part fixed. I have one or two more files to sift through to find what I'm looking for to correct it. When you use the Prestashop-Theme-Maker, it wants you to change your images and remove the _default.


in the folders the images do not have the _default!

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Yeah, you can go through files replacing all that stuff or you can simply create duplicates in your back office.

In the BO follow my instructions in the previous post and all your images will show up without having to go through all the files to change anything.

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I have dupliated all the images without _default in the Bo, but it doesn't work, still get the massage


The requested content cannot be loaded.

Please try again later.


I only get in in Chrome, not in IE.

Any ideas?


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