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Product availability


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Hi everybody,

I need to sync products availability between my management software and Prestahop products.


My software exposes a webservice which can be called for checking product availability, so I could solve the problem calling this webservice. Prestahop allows you to query webservice for availability?

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PrestaShop has it is own webservice. However, you are talking about 3rd party program and their service which you want to implement in PrestaShop. There's no such thing by default in PrestaShop and you would need to program the integration between these two services. There's also some CSV import which you can find Tools -> CSV import, but it is more for importing new products than synchronizing something.

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PrestaShop has it is own webservice. However, you are talking about 3rd party program and their service which you want to implement in PrestaShop. There's no such thing by default in PrestaShop and you would need to program the integration between these two services. There's also some CSV import which you can find Tools -> CSV import, but it is more for importing new products than synchronizing something.


Thank you for your reply. The problem could be solved in two ways I suppose:


1) Prestashop calls my management software webservice for getting the availability of each product at run-time.

This would be my preferred choice, because in this way I'll have an unified method, regardless of whether I use Prestashop or other.


2) An external software calls the Prestashop webservice periodically, for updating products availability.

In this case, how could it identify products? My products, on my management software, are identified by Producer/Code.


3) Prestashop imports periodically a CSV file containing Producer/Code/Qty, for updating products availability.

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