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Update product price when adding accesories

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Hi precious community


I am looking forward to update the product price in real time when attempting to add accesories. I know for most it won't be necesary but here is the link of a product with accesories in my page:


and here is the image:




So, when I click on an accesory, I want the product price to update in that page. Is that possible, is there an addon, extension?



Edited by Herland (see edit history)
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This has been white tough, I've spent lots of time on this one, but I just can't get it. I have used lots of JQuery and javascript. Here is what I got by the minute, doing the test on a localhost page:


//I attemtp to use window in javascript to make the variable visible everywhere
//so the product price can update
$productprice = 5000; 
//this is the sample price of my product 
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.9.0.min.js"></script>
<p id="price"> $<?php echo $productprice; ?> </p> 
<!-- this displays the product price in the webpage-->

<input id="check_precio1" type="checkbox" name="monotreme" value="platypus" /> <a>$50</a><br>  
<!--this one is the checkbox for accesory numer 1 -->
<input id="check_precio2" type="checkbox" name="monotreme" value="platypus" /> <a>$60</a>
<!--this one is the checkbox for accesory numer 2 -->
$(document).ready(function() {

var price = "<?php echo $productprice; ?>"; 
//here we pass the php variable of '$productprice' to 
//the javascript variable 'price', works
price1 = parseInt(price);
//here I parse the price String to a Int variable of price1

window.accesory1 = 50;  //this is the price of the accesory number 1

$('#check_precio1').change(function() {

 if ($(this).is(':checked')) {

   window.total = price1 + window.total + window.accesorio1;
   //here I attempt to add the result of total price with the sum 
   //of accesory1

       this.checked = document.getElementById("precio").innerHTML = window.total;

   } else {
 //here I attempt to add the result of total price with the sum 
   //of accesory1, but with value of 0, so it can come back 
   //to the previous total value
   window.accesory1 = 0;
     window.total = price1 + window.total + window.accesory1;


   if (!$(this).is(':checked')) {
       document.getElementById("precio").innerHTML = precia;
       } else {
document.getElementById('precio').innerHTML = precio;
   } */



//here is the same code as with the first javascript code block
//I just change the id value form check_price1 to check_price2

$(document).ready(function() {

var price = "<?php echo $productprice; ?>"; 
price1 = parseInt(price);

window.accesory1 = 50;  

$('#check_prece2').change(function() {

 if ($(this).is(':checked')) {

   window.total = price1 + window.total + window.accesorio1;

       this.checked = document.getElementById("precio").innerHTML = window.total;

   } else {
   window.accesory1 = 0;
     window.total = price1 + window.total + window.accesory1;


   if (!$(this).is(':checked')) {
       document.getElementById("precio").innerHTML = precia;
       } else {
document.getElementById('precio').innerHTML = precio;
   } */






But I just can't initialize the window.total variable because it's used here window.total = price1 + /* here */ window.total + window.accesory1; and If i initialize it it will take value 0 on each Query.


I almost got this code done, but I need some help, thank you guys

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