Artx Posted January 13, 2013 Share Posted January 13, 2013 If someone`s interested, I`we made product stock update script from ERP, that uses MSSQL database. It updates product stock count in prestashop, including attributes, by comparing product reference numbers in both databases. Can be sheduled by cron to automaticly sync stock. I`m using it to sync prestashop with SAGE OfficeLine. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jaro61 Posted January 13, 2013 Share Posted January 13, 2013 Hello Artx I have interest for yor script. Please send me detail to get the script JAro Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TorbenЯune Posted February 24, 2013 Share Posted February 24, 2013 Hi Artx, I am trying to do the same type of integration between Openbravo POS and Prestashop 1.5.3. Wolud be very interested in looking into your code 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jlsanta Posted March 12, 2013 Share Posted March 12, 2013 Is it posible, the integration between openbravo and prestashop? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TorbenЯune Posted March 13, 2013 Share Posted March 13, 2013 It is possible. I am using Openbravo POS 2.30.2 and Prestashop 1.5.3. Both runs in single shop mode and PS runs simple stock mode, and both runs MySQL. I can synchonize the stock level from Openbravo to Prestashop ( and only that). Items must have the same reference number in both systems. The idea is to let Openbravo be the "stock keeper", i.e. you pull items from openbravo stock when you pack orders for Prestashop. Whe the days work is done, you sync openbravo back to prestashop. I admit it is not 100% and that items can get out of stock during the day, but it is bette than no sync at all. Items with negative stock count is set to 0. It is written in PHP, and must run on an Apache web server. The databases can be on different servers - only requirement is that you have network access to them. Let me konw if you are interested, and I can send you the source. Note! You are on you own with this one. I can not offer any support what so ever. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
srebella Posted April 3, 2013 Share Posted April 3, 2013 (edited) If someone`s interested, I`we made product stock update script from ERP, that uses MSSQL database. It updates product stock count in prestashop, including attributes, by comparing product reference numbers in both databases. Can be sheduled by cron to automaticly sync stock. I`m using it to sync prestashop with SAGE OfficeLine. Hello i am interested in looking your code, i am developing similar task. Edited July 4, 2013 by srebella (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nisheednair Posted July 2, 2013 Share Posted July 2, 2013 I am interested in stock sync update script. Could you please share it to me. My email id is [email protected] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lcerce Posted August 8, 2013 Share Posted August 8, 2013 It is possible. I am using Openbravo POS 2.30.2 and Prestashop 1.5.3. Both runs in single shop mode and PS runs simple stock mode, and both runs MySQL. I can synchonize the stock level from Openbravo to Prestashop ( and only that). Items must have the same reference number in both systems. The idea is to let Openbravo be the "stock keeper", i.e. you pull items from openbravo stock when you pack orders for Prestashop. Whe the days work is done, you sync openbravo back to prestashop. I admit it is not 100% and that items can get out of stock during the day, but it is bette than no sync at all. Items with negative stock count is set to 0. It is written in PHP, and must run on an Apache web server. The databases can be on different servers - only requirement is that you have network access to them. Let me konw if you are interested, and I can send you the source. Note! You are on you own with this one. I can not offer any support what so ever. Hello, I am searching for a way, how to sync stock from excel file. It is possible with your code? Could you please share it to me. My email is [email protected]. Thank you in advance! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kenedy Posted August 8, 2013 Share Posted August 8, 2013 Dropped you PM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TorbenЯune Posted August 9, 2013 Share Posted August 9, 2013 Hello, I am searching for a way, how to sync stock from excel file. It is possible with your code? Could you please share it to me. My email is [email protected]. Thank you in advance! Stock sync from excel is supported in Prestashop. Save your excel data in CSV and import them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vekia Posted August 9, 2013 Share Posted August 9, 2013 it is worth to say that you can do it under the: advanced parameters > CSV import tab in back office Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mauroagr Posted August 29, 2013 Share Posted August 29, 2013 Dear, Some know script in php to sync erp or other software. I have one specific erp and need developing the sincronization, then is more fast get some running and update it to my situation. Thanks Mauro Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lombok Design S.L. Posted March 14, 2014 Share Posted March 14, 2014 I'm interested in something that syncs Prestashop 1.5.6 with Eurowin ERP software. I need something to sync both stocks, it doesn't matter if i have to duplicate products (in both platforms, Prestashop and Eurowin) but i need almost a real-time sync. Could you send me more information about the usage to [email protected]? Thanks for your work! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
timdiam Posted June 14, 2014 Share Posted June 14, 2014 Hi there, I'm developing something very similar, could you please send me a link to your script? Very interested to take a look at it. Thank you!! -Tim 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VkV Posted July 2, 2014 Share Posted July 2, 2014 (edited) "If someone`s interested, I`we made product stock update script from ERP, that uses MSSQL database. It updates product stock count in prestashop, including attributes, by comparing product reference numbers in both databases. Can be sheduled by cron to automaticly sync stock. I`m using it to sync prestashop with SAGE OfficeLine." Hi, i'm also interested in the script mysql mssql stock sync, my email is [email protected], thank you in advance. Edited July 2, 2014 by VkV (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TorbenЯune Posted July 2, 2014 Share Posted July 2, 2014 OK, the code for OpenBravo to Prestashop stock sync comes here. The PHP code below run under these conditions: Openbravo POS must be version 2.30.2 Prestashop must be version 1.5.3. Both the OpenBravo and the PrestaShop must run i Single Shop Mode. Both OpenBravo and PrestaShop must run on MySQL. All items must have the same reference number in both systems. The code must run on an Apache server, and the script must have execute rights. How to do: Save the code in a file called stock.php and put it somewhere where you can access it. You need two graphics: logo.png and rdot.png. The logo.png can be any graphics file. The rdot.png is a small red dot that is used for indicating sync errors. Put the two png files in the same location as the stock.php file. Now edit this block of the stock.php code: $user_name = "UsernameForAccessToTheOpenBravoSQLServer"; $password = "PasswordToTheOpenBravoSQLServer"; $database = "NameOfTheOpenBravoDatabase"; $server = 'IPAddressOfTheOpenBravoSQLServer'; $destination_user_name = "UsernameForThePrestaShopSQLServer"; $destination_password = "PasswordForThePerstaShopSQLServer"; $destination_database = "NameOfThePresatShopDatabase"; $destination_server = 'IPAddressOfThePrestaShopSQLServer'; and enter the correct values for the OpenBravo and the PrestaShop SQL servers respectively. When you call stock.php ther are two parameters you can pass to it. One is a simple password, that is mandatory. In the code here, it is set to 1234 but you can change it to whatever (change the password in line 6 of the code). You call it like: stock.php?pwx=1234 The other parameter is a repeat parameter. You might omit it, and if you do the script is only executer once. You calle it like: stock.php?pwx=1234&refresh=60 which means that your browser will repeat the script every 60 seconds, as long as your browser is open. This is about it. Hope you get it to work. I can't offer you any assistance of help on this, so you are on your own from here. ------ PHP code start ------ <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <?PHP $pwx=$_GET["pwx"]; if ($pwx=='1234') { $refresh_secs=$_GET["refresh"]; $rfsh = '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="'.$refresh_secs.';url=stock.php?refresh=' .$refresh_secs . '" />'; if (strlen($_GET["refresh"])>0) { print $rfsh; } ?> <title>OpenBravo PrestaShop Stock Sync</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; " /> <style type="text/css"> body,td,th { font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; } body { background-color: #CCC; margin-left: 10px; margin-top: 10px; margin-right: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; } </style> </head> <body> <div align="center"><img src="logo.png"></div> <H1 align="center" style="color:gray">Stock Synchronization</H1> <H3 align="center" style="color:gray">Openbravo POS -> Prestashop</H3> <hr> <?PHP $test = 0; if (strlen($_GET["test"])>0) { $test = $_GET["test"]; } $user_name = "UsernameForAccessToTheOpenBravoSQLServer"; $password = "PasswordToTheOpenBravoSQLServer"; $database = "NameOfTheOpenBravoDatabase"; $server = 'IPAddressOfTheOpenBravoSQLServer'; $destination_user_name = "UsernameForThePrestaShopSQLServer"; $destination_password = "PasswordForThePerstaShopSQLServer"; $destination_database = "NameOfThePresatShopDatabase"; $destination_server = 'IPAddressOfThePrestaShopSQLServer'; $antal_vare=0; If ($test) { print '<H2>Diagnostics on</H2>'; print '<h3>Openbravo POS source parameters:</h3><h4>Username: ' . $user_name . '<br>Database: ' . $database . '<br>Server: ' . $server . '</h4>'; print '<h3>Prestashop destination parameters:</h3><h4>Username: ' . $destination_user_name . '<br>Database: ' . $destination_database . '<br>Server: ' . $destination_server . '</h4>'; print '<h3>Execution parameters:</h3>'; print '<h4>Refresh time: ' . $refresh_secs . ' sek.</h4>'; print '<hr>'; } $db_handle = mysql_connect($server, $user_name, $password); $db_found = mysql_select_db($database, $db_handle); /* $destination_db_handle = mysql_connect($destination_server, $destination_user_name, $destination_password); $destination_db_found = mysql_select_db($destination_database, $destination_db_handle); print 'Destunation query result:' . mysql_error($destination_db_handle) . "<br>"; */ if ($db_found) { $SQL = "SELECT PRODUCTS.NAME AS NAME, PRODUCTS.REFERENCE AS REF, STOCKCURRENT.UNITS AS STYKTAL FROM STOCKCURRENT INNER JOIN PRODUCTS ON STOCKCURRENT.PRODUCT = PRODUCTS.ID ORDER BY STOCKCURRENT.UNITS DESC;"; $result = mysql_query($SQL,$db_handle); if (!$result) { print 'Invalid query: ' . mysql_error($db_handle) . "<br>"; } if (mysql_num_rows($result)==0) { print '<H1 align="center">Fejl i synkronisering.</H1><BR>'; print '<H3 align="center">Inge informationer overført</H3><BR><BR>'; } ?> <table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <th>#</th> <th>ON STOCK</th> <th>PRODUCT NAME</th> <th>REF#</th> <?PHP if ($test) { print '<th>PRESTASHOP SQL</th>'; } ?> <th>UPDATED</th> </tr> <?PHP while ( $db_field = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) ) { $stk=$db_field['STYKTAL']; if ($stk<0) { $stk=0; } print '<tr><th><div align="right">' . $antal_vare . '</div></ht><th><div align="right">' . $stk . '</div></ht><th><div align="left">' . $db_field['NAME'] . '</div></ht><th><div align="right">' . $db_field['REF'] .'</div></ht>'; $destination_sql='UPDATE ps_stock_available SET quantity=' . $stk . ' WHERE id_product=' . $db_field['REF'] . ';'; if ($test) { print '<th>' . $destination_sql. '</th>'; } print '<th><img src="rdot.png"></th>'; print '</tr>'; $antal_vare=$antal_vare+1; } mysql_close($db_handle); ?> </table> <?PHP } else { print "Error! Database not found"; } print '<hr>In total: ' . $antal_vare . ' updated stock levels<br>'; } else { print 'Illegal password - Execution STOP!'; } ?> <hr> </body> </html> ---------- PHP code end ------- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SysTest Posted November 18, 2015 Share Posted November 18, 2015 If someone`s interested, I`we made product stock update script from ERP, that uses MSSQL database. It updates product stock count in prestashop, including attributes, by comparing product reference numbers in both databases. Can be sheduled by cron to automaticly sync stock. I`m using it to sync prestashop with SAGE OfficeLine. Hi there, I'm interested in you code. I need to get the clients, categories, shippers and products from a MSSQL 2008R2 to feed Prestashop's mySQL. Then, keep both databases synchronized. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gadnis Posted November 11, 2017 Share Posted November 11, 2017 On 2013-01-13 at 3:35 PM, Artx said: If someone`s interested, I`we made product stock update script from ERP, that uses MSSQL database. It updates product stock count in prestashop, including attributes, by comparing product reference numbers in both databases. Can be sheduled by cron to automaticly sync stock. I`m using it to sync prestashop with SAGE OfficeLine. I'd like to have it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cmauro Posted April 21, 2018 Share Posted April 21, 2018 Can you share code by email? Thx Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted April 21, 2018 Share Posted April 21, 2018 Gentlemen, this thread is very old. In 2013 we used PS 1.3/1.4. The script will not work anymore. Besides now webservice is integrated in Prestashop and you can use this for to sync with openerp. Furthermore there is a module available for to sync with odoo/ex openerp. For other applications, and this was only restricted possible in PS 1.3/1.4 you have now the possibility to export your data from back-office. @cmauro What exactly do you want to export, for which purposes ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cmauro Posted April 21, 2018 Share Posted April 21, 2018 First of all, thanks for your quick reply. I have an application installed on a PC in my store that uses MSSQL Database (Express Edition) and I want to synchro with Prestashop The aim is to maintain the same stock in both sides. If a user buy online the stock must reduce in mysql and mssql, and if I sale a product in the store it must be reflected in mssql and mysql. I don't know how to use webservices, if you have documentation that a I can read, just tell me, or If you know any solution to reach the aim. Thanks in advance Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted April 22, 2018 Share Posted April 22, 2018 1) First of all you need to create a linked server using OBDC driver. There are several tutorials over the net you can use for that. 2) For to use the webservice api on Prestashop you should create your own scripts. The webservice works via XML exchange. Tutorials and samples of scripts you will find here: Tutorials: Samples: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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