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Installing Prestashop on your local machine tutorial

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I'm here again,


I have 3 questions.


1. I use to put my e-mail and pass to get access to the prestashop panel of my website, I use to do it on 2 different pc, but happens that appear 2 different web-sites, I put the same e-mail and password and i get 2 different site, so i can't continue my work using 2 different pc, is that normal? will it happen also when i start to use the open-source version to build my final web-site?


2. In the menu categories i tried to put "wine" and as sub-menu "red, white, rosè", when i open "wine", it appears a page that in the bottom shows all the sub-menu categories but on the top of the page it says "here are not products", i don't like that, i tried to take it off but seems impossible, how can i resolve it?


3. First i'll start with the italian version of the web-site, then i'll do it in english, when i try to put the english's version flag, that works and the site change language, but for sure i need to change language also to all informations i put there and not only the prestashop default, i can change language by myself but how can i do it? I need to find the way to control the same site but with 2 different languages, How that works?


Prestashop is really fantastic, only i need to learn how it works before to build my site and put it in internet, so i'm really glad you can help me to get my target, thanks a lot.

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1. I mean that i use 2 pc, one at home and one at work, i enter from pc-home on the control panel of prestashop by my e-mail and password, so i enter on my panel and i work on it, then i go to use the pc-work and i use the same e-mail and password to enter on the control panel, i have access to it but what i see is a different site, i mean that i start to work on one pc and on the other one i can't see the work i done, is like to enter to another control panel of another site, but i use the same password and e-mail.


2. product-list.tpl file?????? how can i arrive to it?


3. i mean that i build my site in italian, then i want to do that also in english, i change language and prestashop do it on all site theme, but for sure didn't change all descriptions i put there in italian, so i need to translate also that, but i don't want to lose my italian site, i think there is a way to control both sites, one in italian and one in english or other languages separately, which is the process to arrive to do it?

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1. You are installing it on your local computer, the site is only accessible from your local computer.


2. It is in your prestashop/themes/theme name/ directory


3. Did you put the descriptions in in English too?

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1. do you mean I can use only one pc because all files are in that pc because i'm using the local machine version? when i'll get the open source version to build the site, could i control my work from different pc just using my e-mail and password or also in that case i should use only one pc?


2. prestashop/themes/theme name/directory doesn't exist on my pc, but I found: prestashop/themes/default/product-list.tpl, but for sure i can't open it, so what should i do after i got it?


3. If i put descriptions in english, then i'll delete those in italian, what i need is the site with both languages, i don't know how to get it, usually should be like to control 2 differente sites, one in english and one in italian, now i can control only one site and if i change language to it, that will be forever, i should be able to have only one site with 2 different languages to work on it, shouldn't be like that?


if i don't resolve these 3 problems it will be difficult to build my website, so please be patient to help me, thanks.

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I resolved the points 1 and 3, thanks as well ;)

Now i have only the point 2 to resolve, because when i open a category where there are sub-categories, there appears " no products here" and that is so ugly, well, below that appear all sub-categories with all products, but on the top i have that description, and i don't like that, if somebody can help me to delete that i'll be glad.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi I install XAMPP v1.8.1 Control Panel v3.1.0 3.1.0 on Windows 7 Professional 32-bit. Now I've created a database called Prestashop101 but I don't have Privileges in phpMyAdmin panel to create a new username and password for database. See image attachment. I have Apache and MySQL running. How do I install Prestashop v1.5.3.1 properly without a username and password for database I created in phpMyAdmin? Thanks appreciate guidance.







11:00:37 AM [main] Initializing Control Panel

11:00:37 AM [main] Windows Version: Windows 7 Professional 32-bit

11:00:37 AM [main] XAMPP Version: 1.8.1

11:00:37 AM [main] Control Panel Version: 3.1.0 3.1.0 [ Compiled: September 20th 2012 ]

11:00:37 AM [main] Running with Administrator rights - good!

11:00:37 AM [main] XAMPP Installation Directory: "c:\xampp\"

11:00:39 AM [main] Checking for prerequisites

11:00:54 AM [main] All prerequisites found

11:00:54 AM [main] Initializing Modules

11:00:54 AM [Apache] XAMPP Apache is already running on port 80

11:00:54 AM [Apache] XAMPP Apache is already running on port 443

11:00:54 AM [main] Starting Check-Timer

11:00:54 AM [main] Control Panel Ready

11:43:39 AM [mysql] Status change detected: running

12:45:54 PM [mysql] Attempting to stop MySQL (PID: 7736)

12:45:54 PM [mysql] Status change detected: stopped

12:45:56 PM [mysql] Attempting to start MySQL app...

12:45:59 PM [mysql] Status change detected: running


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In order to get to your database, PS needs your username and a password. When installing xamp, specifically when installing mySQL it probably asked you to add an administrator password (login name probably 'root'.)


Can you get into MySQL? (probably, as you created a database) Then just use this login name/password combi into Prestashop.


My 2 cents,


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Great tutorial. I completed the installation, including the database setup, deleting the the install folder and renaming the admin folder.


When I load the address in my address bar (http://localhost:888...op/adminnancee/) and the screen just appears blank with no prompt for login, or error message. Thoughts?


P.S. Yes I know that link won't work for anyone since it goes to my local host. I just want to make sure there wasn't anything in the URL that I messed up.

Edited by thedrew55 (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the guide got everything up and Running..


Already have a shop running on another platform but want to now switch to presta shop... Can i develope the presta shop offline using this method.. And when finished and ready to go upload what i have developed offline to a web host and be running straight away..





Regal Lighting.

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I am wondering if i can upload directly (without passing the install procedure) after i have moddified a localhost version. And only change the database. I would want to this because i m having problems with installation on Ipage (php 5.2).

Thank you

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Maybe first have a look here, so you can see what you need to change etc. (domain name etc as well)



Also check the requirements of PS. does your host comply to these?



You should be able to just copy the files and make the recommended changes. No fresh installation needed.


My 2 cents,


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  On 4/19/2013 at 2:34 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

HI Regal Lighting,


Yes, you can build your shop locally first. However, it is a good idea to periodically test it on the live server that it will be hosted on. You don't want to move forward until you know that what you see locally is whats going to happen live.


Hello and thanks for your answer. Is any documentation of how to have install my prestashop locally in my laptop "non live environment" and when I am ok with the changes locally somehow to replicate these changes to my productive environment "live web site" ?

Thanks in advance

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I had to understand what the error meant and could now hours later conlcude that we had a dublicate entry in our config.inc.php.


Dear folks



I followed the admins guide on how to move the shop to a new server with the little detail that I moved to our pc. It is a Windows PC with the newest Xampp.


However I get an error when I try to call the local shop:


Notice: Constant _PS_DISPLAY_COMPATIBILITY_WARNING_ already defined in C:\xampp3\htdocs\prestalive\config\config.inc.php on line 41


Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user 'hmadmin'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in C:\xampp3\htdocs\prestalive\classes\MySQL.php on line 34

Link to database cannot be established.


Can somebody help me here?

Edited by Heinrich.M (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...






Everthing on local machine works well with Xampp, but there is one important thing that doesn't work for my upgrade. When I push the button in the backoffice to see my shop there is no shop at all, i got a white page with tekst from my shop (see attachement). What also is not working is live edit, the rest is working fine.


Edited by Carel (see edit history)
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I changed the base URI and now I can see my shop. Now there is another problem. The connections with my products don't work.

When I click on the index or the pictures in my homepage the next screen is a 404 error page. Do you know what kind of problem this is? Thanks for helping me so far.


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SOLVED (juse the right prep map not the one you put in Local, I am happy finally everything works fine)






I tried to upgrade 1.4.10 to 1.5.4 from local (xampp) to server. But from step 5 I don't understand the manual anymore.


Do I have to transfer the map install to the server (FTP) and run the- intall/update/update.php file? I tried this but it failed, (I got the massage 28). I changed my config settings from local to normal to acces my database. Buy the way, I didn't find this in the update manual.


Or do I first have to make a clean installation 1.5.4 and after this, upgrade the prestashop-prep files with the install/update/update.php?

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  • 3 weeks later...


This is Anamul from Bangladesh. I am trying to install to my Local PC. Every has gone very good , but once i am installing from Local host by (WAMP-2.2 ) in the installation Assistance its giving a error.


The details

Following steps gone through properly in Installation assistant .

- Choose Your Language

- Licence Agreement

- System Compatibiity

- Store information

But at last stage : Store Installation , it moves upto 23% and gives a error at Create default shop and languages error .

I have tried to solve in may option but i am stuck , Can you please help me .




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  • 1 month later...
  On 5/30/2013 at 6:02 AM, lilliputcorner said:


This is Anamul from Bangladesh. I am trying to install to my Local PC. Every has gone very good , but once i am installing from Local host by (WAMP-2.2 ) in the installation Assistance its giving a error.


The details

Following steps gone through properly in Installation assistant .

- Choose Your Language

- Licence Agreement

- System Compatibiity

- Store information

But at last stage : Store Installation , it moves upto 23% and gives a error at Create default shop and languages error .

I have tried to solve in may option but i am stuck , Can you please help me .





look at my post... :-D

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I get this error when installing preastashop


Oops! Please correct the item(s) below, and then click "Refresh information" to test the compatibility of your new system.

  • Recursive write permissions on files and folders:
  • ~/log/
  • ~/mails/
  • ~/modules/
  • ~/translations/
  • ~/upload/


I already give  full access to preastashop folder..   in windows 7( xampp)  but when i removing read only check box  its appearing after i reopen the  preasta shop folder 


thanks for reading

Edited by ravindraji (see edit history)
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ok so another question, in what HDD you have xampp installation? I've noticed that xampp sometimes has got problems with permissions, especially when it isn't installed on your OS drive.


moreover, it also sometimes doesn't work well when xampp is installed in program files directory. The best directory is root dir of main hard disc partition (where you've got OS)


"It works better when you install directly to C:\, rather than the Program Files directory."


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so everything looks well in this case :( now i'm totally lost

i found this interesting topic: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/195702-installation-local-xampp-error-recursive-write-permissions/


there is a post:




I used Batchmod, a program which is going to change the permission for you. Also make sure you know which permissions should be used on each files or folder, you can find a list somewhere but I can't remember where (you'll find it easily).
Good luck! 
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


Is there a guide or tutorial to help someone setup Prestashop from scratch? ie: not the physical install, but the setup required to get the software running and functional, including setup of logo's, email addresses, email templates etc.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 connecting with 3 PCs by landline in my place.  I would like to create my store offline without an internet connection in order to have a backup data, locally test run and for virus threat safety reasons.  Then upload files to host's server that I rent the space with afterword.  The server I have run another program and store its data.  
What should be the best way for me to be able to do this?  The best server should be Apache Web server 1.3? I heard that IIS cannot use user friendly url function. Is that true?   I'm also confusing if my window server can run as Apache?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Hey guys

I am a newbie but very interested in starting my online store with Prestashop. Am sorry I may take you back and forth but, I have been trying to follow this discussion with the hope of finding the tutorial for installing Prestashop but in vain. Could someone pleas re-post it??



Anyway my biggest challenge is with uploading the files to Filezilla. Must I have a website to which to upload Prestashop???? Filezilla seems to need this information to continue i.e  Host, Username and Password  


Will greatly appreciate all your help and Its also a pleasure to meet and interact with all of you


Thanks again

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  • 1 month later...

I have installed prestashop 1.5 before with no problem on local machine, but with 1.6 I get an error that it cannot connect to a database. Here are my settings:
host: localhost
user: root
password: [root password], made sure it is correct

Any help would be appreciated

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  On 1/10/2013 at 8:36 PM, Dh42 said:

Here is a tutorial about how to install Prestashop on your local machine Installing Prestashop on your local machine

Hello Dh42.


I m having a problem moving Prestashop 1.5.6 from web to localhost for offline upgrade/development purposes. It gives redirection problems.

Will you please be so kind to take a look at my post here and share any thoughts yu might have?


Best regards,

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  • 1 month later...

I have installed PS on local machine at C:\xampp\htdocs and it's working well while I browse from localhost/....... . I have also created a database for using at local machine giving it a name like t_fashion. Now I have uploaded the customized site to my real hosting site at public_html folder. My hosting provider doesn't support a database name like t_fashion. Rather than it forces me to name my db_name as username_........ (username is fixed by them). So I have created a new database like username_tf and imported my previous db to here by using the phpmyadmin/operations/import.


Now, when I try to browse my shop it returns an error message "Link to database cannot be established: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2 "No such file or directory")". 


How can I resolve this problem?


One more thing. I have exported my previous db from C:\xampp\mysql\data\t_fashion to a file named t_fashion.sql first. Then imported this file from phpmyadmin. Is it the right process?

Edited by mainul2k (see edit history)
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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a box running linuxmint. I installed apache2, mysql, and php5. everything works good. (I tested phpinfo and the php config came up successfully, so I know it is set up correctly).


When I installed prestashop and when to http://localhost/install/, the page is blank. So tool at look at my apache error log and found this for each GET request:


[Thu Sep 11 11:14:39.626379 2014] [:error] [pid 13811] [client ::1:32936] PHP Fatal error:  require_once(): Failed opening required '/var/www/config/defines.inc.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/install/init.php on line 44



So I navigated to /var/www/install/init.php line 44





_PS_CORE_DIR is defined a few lines up as:


define('_PS_CORE_DIR_', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/..'));


which sets _PS_CORE_DIR_ to /var/www


So /var/www/config/defines.inc.php should be "openable" in theory, since it is there.


Has anyone seen this issue? Could it be a permission issue?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm trying to update my store 1.3 to 1.4.9 for Xamp but I'm having an error celery another. Now it seemed that I was able to update, in the last phase the following error appears:

"Database server is available but database was not found"

I've checked the setting.inc.php file and everything is okay. What can that be?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi.  I installed xampp locally on my windows 7 machine. 


I downloaded the Prestashop 1.6 installation, extracted the contents and placed the prestashop folder under htdocs.


when i go to localhost/prestashop or localhost/prestashop/install i get the following message:


Warning: require_once(C:\xampp\htdocs\prestashop/config/defines.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\prestashop\install\init.php on line 44

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'C:\xampp\htdocs\prestashop/config/defines.inc.php'

(include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\prestashop\install\init.php on line 44


What am I missing?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone

Could you please help me

I cannot install PS to my hosting cause of this mistake:

  1. Create settings.inc file - done
  2. Create database tables - done
  3. Create default shop and languages -  An error occurred during installation...(Cannot install language "(Russian)"


How to solve?



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  On 1/23/2015 at 1:14 PM, Roger101 said:

Hi everyone

Could you please help me

I cannot install PS to my hosting cause of this mistake:

  1. Create settings.inc file - done
  2. Create database tables - done
  3. Create default shop and languages -  An error occurred during installation...(Cannot install language "(Russian)"


How to solve?


I suggest that you create a new topic, and not post this in a completely unrelated tutorial.  it will never get seen

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi everyone. am new to prestashop and during my installation on my localhost i got to the part.

  1. Install demonstration data
An error occurred during installation...

You can use the links on the left column to go back to the previous steps, or restart the installation process by clicking here.

so what do i do.

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  • 1 year later...

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