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instant checkout (guest checkout) not working - 403 forbidden

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When I click continue on guest checkout, it says 403 forbidden. the link it tries to access is





Version 1.5.1. updating to 1.5.2 might not be an option as i modified a theme that said it's only compatible with 1.5.1.


Please anyone have any idea how to fix?

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Hello monstercreativestudio,


I encountered the same problem while checking out as a guest. If you could, please turn on error reporting.



Please add define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);

in /config/defines.inc.php




@ini_set('display_errors', 'on');

define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', true);

in /config/config.inc.php (line 29 and 30 I think)

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i am getting this error on guest checkout but i know what is the most likely cause.


Int the variables of the url it declares the back button with a url. if you remove the second https out of it the link it will work. so it is most likely a server security function. But why is there such a url in the url




my host is hostgator.


i do not know how to add this to github so if someone can verify and then post to github.


also i solved this issue by getting hostgator to whitelist the offending url as it was getting blocked by the mod_security rules

Edited by shoulders (see edit history)
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