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Is stable enough for a live site?

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We have been building our site for a while now and its currently running 1.5.2 on the test version,


We are running a few modules ontop of the stock intall:

Product questions

Social Discount

Latteral Bar

Facebook Twitter Google - Full Pack

Custom Checkout Fields

Supplier Bar.


We have had a few issues with 1.5.2 recently, On friday at 5pm the site was fine, came in monday morning and it wouldnt load anything but a blank page - Finally tracked this down to the "facebook, twitter google - full pack" module (doesnt explain why it worked on firday night but not monday morning) but the issue resolved itself when i disabled the module.


We also seem to have a 500 error the first time we load the page every day ( http://pharmagroupholdings.co.uk/pr for info).


We are now at a point were we want the site to go live, have all our customers loaded into 1.5.2 but are stuck as we have had 2 major issues that have left the site looking less that professional...


So the big question is do we up-date to then go live or go live as we are?


I have run several tests and managed to beat all the modules into submission (some prefer 1.5.2 others (such as the facbook twitter google full pack one prefer 1.5.3 now for some reason (Auto up-dates???)) but I am very nervious as we can afford the site to go live and then die or have major issues appear...


Does anyone have any thoughts / advice?

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I have this issue too


Which issue?


I have resolved my 500 error now (related to the custom checkout fields module some how - disabled the module and it works fine) and managed to get the facebook module working.


Got slight parranoia now that i am going to go live, go away for the weekend and come back to a blank site and zero orders.

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I've been working on a new site with it and so far its fine. No major issues, just learning the ropes. The only modules that have given me grief are the free shipping ones and the carriers distribution one. Everything else has been acting fine. My solution on the modules was to purchase better options. From reading this forum, the issues are mainly in auto upgrades and not clean installs.


No show stoppers IMO. But, I started from scratch, the more I use it, the more I like it. Many issues I've read about on here have not been a problem so far in my clean install. I think some of it has to do with uninstalling modules and putting them back. My data base still had files from deleted and uninstalled modules that caused some some hassle with my shipping modules. The free USPS module was a pain and never worked right for me.

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hi Ste00,


I visited your site and I see you have a few nice modules, can you share that Add a question TAB, and facebook Comments tab please?


and I also tryed seems fine, but got some modules incompatible.


The modules we used to get these are:

Product Questions



Facebook, Twitter, Google Full Pack



Hope that helps,

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The modules are key, make sure all needed modules are compatible. Even then, many of the 1.5 offerings are in the early stages of revision, some more than others. I have not had any major trouble with paid modules from good vendors. Beware if the module source has limited reviews with 1.5....

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