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New image sizes are ignored

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Very frustrating....

I have a catalog with a few categories that have sub categories.
Now, when viewing the category page (front office), I see the thumbnails of the sub category images.
But, the size is too small to my liking, so I thought this should be easy to change in preferences - images.

The medium size, as I noticed, is used as the sub category thumb, and all product sidebars (new / viewed etc.)

So in the medium image, I set the "apply to category" radio to false and created a new size, and set it to only apply to categories.

This does not work.
Categories get blank images.

Also tried the other way around, thinking maybe the sub categories code is hardcodedly looking for "medium" size.

Did I misunderstand this feature?
Is there a way to set a different thumbnails size to sub category thumbs and medium product (80x80)?


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I do not know if there is a better solution or not, but for those who end up in this thread looking to solve the same problem, this is what I did:

1. Create a new image size for sub categories (Preferences -> Images -> Add New)
2. Apply it only to categories (in the radio buttons)
3. Call it "sub_category"
4. In your theme folder, find category.tpl
5. Search for the div called "subcategories" and change its img src from


This seems to be working nicely.

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