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php script in index.tpl

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Hi i use ps 1.4 and i want use a light php script for banner rotation like this:



$advert = array();

$advert[] = '<a href="#">Banner 1</a>';

$advert[] = '<a href="#">Banner 2</a>';

$advert[] = '<a href="#">Banner 3</a>';


echo $advert[0];



in index.tpl but i don't understand how do it because {php} or {include} not work in ps 1.4 version


I read to create smarty variable use assign function but HOW?



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the best way to do that :


1. Create a file /override/classes/FrontController.php with this code :

class FrontController extends FrontControllerCore
  public function init()

  $advert = array();
     $advert[] = '<a href="#">Banner 1</a>';
     $advert[] = '<a href="#">Banner 2</a>';
     $advert[] = '<a href="#">Banner 3</a>';
     self::$smarty->assign('my_adverts', $adverts);


2. In your .tpl template file you can now use {$my_adverts}



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Thank for information PrestArchitecte but when insert

{$my_adverts} in index.tpl under {$HOOK_HOME} or in header.tpl under <div id="center_column"> also inside a <div> tag nothing appear. Why?

I created frontcontroller.php with your code inside /override/class/


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Ok replace the overriden FrontController file by this content :

class FrontController extends FrontControllerCore
  public function displayContent()

         $advert = array();
     $advert[] = '<a href="#">Banner 1</a>';
     $advert[] = '<a href="#">Banner 2</a>';
     $advert[] = '<a href="#">Banner 3</a>';
     self::$smarty->assign('my_adverts', $adverts);



Does this work ?

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Yes, you should do that :

class FrontController extends FrontControllerCore
  public function displayContent()

         $advert = array();
     $advert[] = '<a href="#">Banner 1</a>';
     $advert[] = '<a href="#">Banner 2</a>';
     $advert[] = '<a href="#">Banner 3</a>';

     self::$smarty->assign('my_adverts', $advert[array_rand($advert)]);


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