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URLs in E-mails not correct [Solved]

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I've recently installed Prestashop on a subdomain. It seems that all of the URL's in the e-mails that are sent from the shop (like order confirmations and such) are incorrect. I'll give you 2 examples:


The URL in the e-mail that is sent when a customer recommends a product to a friend is: http://www.mydomain....product_link%7D


This is exactly how it is sent to the browser and it results in http://mydomain.com/page-not-found

(also this is how the URL is written in send_to_a_friend.html)


The URL to 'my account' in the order confirmation mail is:


This isn't even a URL to my domain..


Could anyone help me with this problem?


Thank you very much in advance.


Kind Regards

Edited by Smijn1 (see edit history)
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