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[Solved] Adding products to a Supply Order - v 1.5.2

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Hi all,


I've had a problem recently that I think more people could have - when creating a supply order (in the edit supply order screen), there is field for adding products, which opens a list of products. This list is powered by autocomplete jquery plugin and by default it shows only 20 products/their combinations.


As I have more products in my shop with similar names and many, many combinations, and the autocomplete list is not scrollable, I could not select the products/combinations I needed to complete my supply order.


The number of items displayed is set by default to 100 in /js/jquery/plugins/autocomplete/jquery.autocomplete.js (line 398, variable "max") and then, for this specific field, is changed to 20 in /admin/themes/default/template/controllers/supply-orders/helpers/form.tpl (line 231). You can change the number of items displayed by editing these values.


It took me a white to figure this out, so hopefully it saves time to someone else having the same problem..

Edited by spiritcheer (see edit history)
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