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[SOLVED] Problem with header navigation menu

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I brought a Prestashop template #42155 from Template Monster which already has a separate button or link rather for Home which I want users to utilize to click to return to the Home page. After the new Prestashop template was installed by developer; I renamed the original parent category "Home" found in the default PS theme. I've tried editing and saving the original default categories (e.g. iPod, Accessories, Laptop) appearing underneath Home as their own root category or parent category after I click Save the changes didn't take effect. And I received an error message stating "a category cannot be it's own parent." when I deselected Home in the back office after clicking save. I received the error message when I tried to create a new parent category named Meats in the back office. The categories are still appearing underneath the original parent category (which was renamed as Dry Seasonings) as subcategories and as a category beside the root category in the top menu in the front office. I want Black Peppercorn Whole to appear only as a child category underneath parent category Dry Seasonings and the Meats category to appear as its own parent category but not underneath Dry Seasonings category. What is the code snippet to create a new parent category? Which file do I change and where do I add the code snippet? Thanks I appreciate some help I cannot move forward until I've straighten out this issue or problem.


Edited: the PS template # and using Prestashop 1.5.3


Updated: Helped by outside source.

Edited by GoGoMo (see edit history)
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