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Problem with instalation - please help

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Hi, i have a problem with installing Prestashop, see in attached picture.


This error is on the begining - 0% of instalation - error: Create settings.inc file.


I try to change atributes this file, but it not help.


Can anybody help please?


Than you...




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  On 1/2/2013 at 2:08 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

Hi MZ, it could be a folder/file permissions error. Please make sure your chmod permissions are set up correctly. Also, how are you installing PrestaShop is it through FTP? What version did you download?


Hi Benjamin, thank you for your reply.

Yes, I copied prestashop files through FTP, than run instalation normaly throught IE.

Prestashop version is 1.5.3.


Which permision you mean? I set the atributes all of prestashop files to read/write.


Any idea?


Thanks a lot...



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I've also hit permission issues when recently installing PrestaShop.


Changing the permissions on the directories (folders) flagged by the PrestaShop installer to 777 allowed the installer to run to completion.


My problem now is that some of the functionality will not work unless the directories remain at 777.


For example, unless the cache directory is set to 777 I get an error when in the Admin (backend) facility and try to run Advanced Parameters -> Performance.


Does this resonate with anyone? I'd like to give PrestaShop a good trial run, but can't go much farther until the permissions problem is understood/resolved.



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p.s. some add'l info...


error msg from web browser when running Advanced Parameters -> Performance:


/public_html/cache/class_index.php is not writable, please give write permissions (chmod 666) on this file.

at line 132 in file classes/Autoload.php


(from server running PrestaShop)

# ls -l clas*

-rwxrwxrwx 1 security security 43513 Jan 9 10:27 class_index.php*

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I just wanted to update this thread in case others in the future run into a similar issue...


It seems that changing the PHP handler on the server hosting PrestaShop from dso to suphp resolved the issue. (After removing the prior PrestaShop files/scratch installing) I did not have to mess with permissions prior to running the installer. Everything ran smoothly.


I'll update this thread again if any post-install issues come up.

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No problem, Benjamin. Thanks for the note.


Can you direct me to a quick start guide that covers how to modify the default theme? Things such as changing which "blocks" (e.g., manufacturers, specials, our stores) are displayed on the storefront, how to add new custom block, how to add a new menu item (link) in the default "INFORMATION" block, etc.


Also, how would one go about adding a block containing HTML text under the default "FEATURED PRODUCTS" block/section?


If you just want to point me to the related docs that would be good, and let me know if there is an appropriate forum area for questions like these.



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