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v1.5.3 - can't add to cart /can't add new product ?

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I just upgraded from and having a couple of BIG problems:


1) cant add to cart, returns a safari pop-up window-

"Impossible to add the product to the cart.

textStatus: 'error'

errorThrown: 'Internal Server Error'



2) Cant add/modify products, returns-> "An error occurred while updating object. product ()"


Don't want to roll back because i had problems w/Authorize.net module not working in old version,

was hoping the upgrade will fix the problem but now im in worse shape..


Any fixes??



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This is because a db-error from upgrade. You need to add two fields to two tables.

Run these SQL statements:

ALTER TABLE  `ps_product_shop` ADD `redirect_type` ENUM('', '404', '301', '302') NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `active` ;
ALTER TABLE  `ps_product` ADD `redirect_type` ENUM('', '404', '301', '302') NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `active` ;

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Product add/modify SOLVED w/ v1.5.3.1 upgrade.


Adding product to shopping cart still NOT working, returns->

"Impossible to add the product to the cart.

textStatus: 'error'

errorThrown: 'Internal Server Error'



In B.O ->"costumers"->"shopping carts", returns a blank page, URL->


(host logo)http://www.bigoshop.com/psadmin/index.php?controller=AdminCarts&token=49d7370d1849d4d232713378fd3d7d3a





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Happy new year everyone!


Tried rolling back and now the cart problem followed me, product is being added but cant open

shopping cart or checkout-> back to> same cart error-> BIG BUG!!

Any exterminators out there??

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You we're so right.. I thought not using prestashop's cache and smarty cache was enough but after cleaning the browser cache now it works. Big like : D Can I also ask you something else? I guess in mail-chat cause it's about categories and not products

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for me I have to add one more unknown column



LTER TABLE `ps_product_shop` ADD `id_product_redirected` ENUM('', '404', '301', '302') NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `active` ;# Affected rows: 90

# Affected rows: 90


ALTER TABLE `ps_product` ADD `id_product_redirected` ENUM('', '404', '301', '302') NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `active` ;# Affected rows: 90

# Affected rows: 90

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