nortom Posted December 30, 2012 Share Posted December 30, 2012 Ik heb nu al meerdere malen geprobeerd om mijn webshop te updaten naar 1.5.x Met de 1.5.3 heb ik het tot een voltooiing weten te komen met auto upgrade module. Tip: als je problemen hebt met een java error gewoon uw upgrade module uninstallen en opnieuw installeren lost dit op. Ik krijg nu een heleboel fouten van mijn db. Hoe kan ik deze best oplossen? Het probleem dat ik heb is dat ik geen nieuwe producten kan aanmaken en ook niet editen. Zo te zien zijn er veel met dit probleem. [TRAD] translations has not been merged for file /home/nortomle/domains/ Switch to copy /home/nortomle/domains/[TRAD] translations has not been merged for file /home/nortomle/domains/ Switch to copy /home/nortomle/domains/ [TRAD] translations has not been merged for file /home/nortomle/domains/ Switch to copy /home/nortomle/domains/ [TRAD] translations has not been merged for file /home/nortomle/domains/ Switch to copy /home/nortomle/domains/ [TRAD] translations has not been merged for file /home/nortomle/domains/ Switch to copy /home/nortomle/domains/ [TRAD] translations has not been merged for file /home/nortomle/domains/ Switch to copy /home/nortomle/domains/ [TRAD] translations has not been merged for file /home/nortomle/domains/ Switch to copy /home/nortomle/domains/ [TRAD] translations has not been merged for file /home/nortomle/domains/ Switch to copy /home/nortomle/domains/ [TRAD] translations has not been merged for file /home/nortomle/domains/ Switch to copy /home/nortomle/domains/ [TRAD] translations has not been merged for file /home/nortomle/domains/ Switch to copy /home/nortomle/domains/ [TRAD] translations has not been merged for file /home/nortomle/domains/ Switch to copy /home/nortomle/domains/ [TRAD] translations has not been merged for file /home/nortomle/domains/ Switch to copy /home/nortomle/domains/ [TRAD] translations has not been merged for file /home/nortomle/domains/ Switch to copy /home/nortomle/domains/ [TRAD] translations has not been merged for file /home/nortomle/domains/ Switch to copy /home/nortomle/domains/ [TRAD] translations has not been merged for file /home/nortomle/domains/ Switch to copy /home/nortomle/domains/ [TRAD] translations has not been merged for file /home/nortomle/domains/ Switch to copy /home/nortomle/domains/ [TRAD] translations has not been merged for file /home/nortomle/domains/ Switch to copy /home/nortomle/domains/ [TRAD] translations has not been merged for file /home/nortomle/domains/ Switch to copy /home/nortomle/domains/ [TRAD] translations has not been merged for file /home/nortomle/domains/ Switch to copy /home/nortomle/domains/ [TRAD] translations has not been merged for file /home/nortomle/domains/ Switch to copy /home/nortomle/domains/ [ERROR] SQL 1054 in INSERT INTO `ps_group_shop` (`id_group_shop`, `name`, `active`, `deleted`, `share_stock`, `share_customer`, `share_order`) VALUES (1, 'Default', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0): Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'field list' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in INSERT INTO `ps_shop` (`id_shop`, `id_group_shop`, `name`, `id_category`, `id_theme`, `active`, `deleted`) VALUES (1, 1, (SELECT value FROM `ps_configuration` WHERE name = 'PS_SHOP_NAME'), 1, 1, 1, 0): Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'field list' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_configuration` ADD `id_group_shop` INT(11) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL AFTER `id_configuration` , ADD `id_shop` INT(11) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL AFTER `id_group_shop`: Duplicate column name 'id_shop' [ERROR] SQL 1072 in ALTER TABLE `ps_configuration` ADD INDEX (`id_group_shop`): Key column 'id_group_shop' doesn't exist in table [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_theme` (`id_theme`, `name`) VALUES (1, 'prestashop'): Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_stock` ( `id_stock` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `id_product` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `id_product_attribute` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `id_shop` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `quantity` INT(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_stock`), KEY `id_product` (`id_product`), KEY `id_product_attribute` (`id_product_attribute`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`), UNIQUE KEY `product_stock` (`id_product` ,`id_product_attribute` ,`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_stock' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1054 in INSERT INTO `ps_stock` (id_product, id_product_attribute, id_shop, quantity) (SELECT id_product, id_product_attribute, 1, quantity FROM ps_product_attribute): Unknown column 'id_shop' in 'field list' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in INSERT INTO `ps_stock` (id_product, id_product_attribute, id_shop, quantity) (SELECT id_product, 0, 1, IF( (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ps_product_attribute pa WHERE p.id_product = pa.id_product) > 0, (SELECT SUM(pa2.quantity) FROM ps_product_attribute pa2 WHERE p.id_product = pa2.id_product), quantity ) FROM ps_product p): Unknown column 'id_shop' in 'field list' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in UPDATE ps_stock_mvt sm SET sm.id_stock = IFNULL(( SELECT IFNULL(s.id_stock, 0) FROM ps_stock s WHERE s.id_product = sm.id_product AND s.id_product_attribute = sm.id_product_attribute ORDER BY s.id_shop LIMIT 1 ), 0): Unknown column 's.id_shop' in 'order clause' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_country_shop` ( `id_country` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `id_shop` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id_country`, `id_shop`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_country_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_country_shop` (id_shop, id_country) (SELECT 1, id_country FROM ps_country): Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 'PRIMARY' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_carrier_shop` ( `id_carrier` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `id_shop` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id_carrier`, `id_shop`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_carrier_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_carrier_shop` (id_shop, id_carrier) (SELECT 1, id_carrier FROM ps_carrier): Duplicate entry '6-1' for key 'PRIMARY' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_lang_shop` ( `id_lang` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `id_shop` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_lang`, `id_shop`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_lang_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_lang_shop` (id_shop, id_lang) (SELECT 1, id_lang FROM ps_lang): Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 'PRIMARY' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_currency_shop` ( `id_currency` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `id_shop` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_currency`, `id_shop`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_currency_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_currency_shop` (id_shop, id_currency) (SELECT 1, id_currency FROM ps_currency): Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 'PRIMARY' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart` ADD `id_group_shop` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `id_cart` , ADD `id_shop` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `id_group_shop`, ADD INDEX `id_group_shop` (`id_group_shop`), ADD INDEX `id_shop` (`id_shop`): Duplicate column name 'id_shop' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_contact_shop` ( `id_contact` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `id_shop` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_contact`, `id_shop`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_contact_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_contact_shop` (id_shop, id_contact) (SELECT 1, id_contact FROM `ps_contact`): Duplicate entry '2-1' for key 'PRIMARY' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_image_shop` ( `id_image` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `id_shop` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_image`, `id_shop`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_image_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_image_shop` (id_shop, id_image) (SELECT 1, id_image FROM `ps_image`): Duplicate entry '57-1' for key 'PRIMARY' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_attribute_group_shop` ( `id_attribute` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `id_group_shop` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_attribute`, `id_group_shop`), KEY `id_group_shop` (`id_group_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_attribute_group_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1054 in INSERT INTO `ps_attribute_group_shop` (id_group_shop, id_attribute) (SELECT 1, id_attribute FROM `ps_attribute`): Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'field list' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_store_shop` ( `id_store` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `id_shop` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_store`, `id_shop`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_store_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_product_shop` ( `id_product` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `id_shop` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( `id_shop` , `id_product` ), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_product_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_product_shop` (id_shop, id_product) (SELECT 1, id_product FROM `ps_product`): Duplicate entry '183-1' for key 'PRIMARY' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_category_lang` ADD `id_shop` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `id_category`: Duplicate column name 'id_shop' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_connections` ADD `id_group_shop` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', ADD `id_shop` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1': Duplicate column name 'id_shop' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_module_shop` ( `id_module` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `id_shop` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_module` , `id_shop`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_module_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_module_shop` (`id_module`, `id_shop`) (SELECT `id_module`, 1 FROM `ps_module`): Duplicate entry '126-1' for key 'PRIMARY' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_carrier_lang` ADD `id_shop` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `id_carrier`: Duplicate column name 'id_shop' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_referrer_shop` ( `id_referrer` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `id_shop` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '1', `cache_visitors` int(11) default NULL, `cache_visits` int(11) default NULL, `cache_pages` int(11) default NULL, `cache_registrations` int(11) default NULL, `cache_orders` int(11) default NULL, `cache_sales` decimal(17,2) default NULL, `cache_reg_rate` decimal(5,4) default NULL, `cache_order_rate` decimal(5,4) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_referrer`, `id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_referrer_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_product` ADD `id_shop` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `id_product`: Duplicate column name 'id_shop' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_scene_shop` ( `id_scene` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `id_shop` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_scene`, `id_shop`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_scene_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_scene_shop` (id_shop, id_scene) (SELECT 1, id_scene FROM ps_scene): Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 'PRIMARY' [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_module_access` (`id_profile`, `id_module`, `configure`, `view`) ( SELECT `id_profile`, `id_module`, 1, 1 FROM `ps_access` a, ps_module m WHERE `id_tab` = (SELECT `id_tab` FROM `ps_tab` WHERE `class_name` != "" LIMIT 1) AND a.`view` = 1 ): Duplicate entry '1-126' for key 'PRIMARY' [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_gender` (`id_gender`, `type`) VALUES (1, 0), (2, 1), (3, 1): Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY' [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_gender_lang` (`id_gender`, `id_lang`, `name`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Mr.'), (1, 2, 'M.'), (1, 3, 'Sr.'), (1, 4, 'Herr'), (1, 5, 'Sig.'), (2, 1, 'Ms.'), (2, 2, 'Mme'), (2, 3, 'Sra.'), (2, 4, 'Frau'), (2, 5, 'Sig.ra'), (3, 1, 'Miss'), (3, 2, 'Melle'), (3, 3, 'Miss'), (3, 4, 'Miss'), (3, 5, 'Miss'): Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 'PRIMARY' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_customer_message_sync_imap` ( `md5_header` varbinary(32) NOT NULL, KEY `md5_header_index` (`md5_header`(4)) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_customer_message_sync_imap' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_attribute` ADD `position` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0': Duplicate column name 'position' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_attribute_group` ADD `position` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0': Duplicate column name 'position' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_attribute_group` ADD `group_type` ENUM('select', 'radio', 'color') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'select': Duplicate column name 'group_type' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_carrier` ADD COLUMN `id_reference` int(10) NOT NULL AFTER `id_carrier`: Duplicate column name 'id_reference' [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_employee_shop` (`id_employee`, `id_shop`) (SELECT `id_employee`, 1 FROM `ps_employee`): Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 'PRIMARY' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_carrier` ADD `position` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0': Duplicate column name 'position' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_order_invoice` ( `id_order_invoice` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `id_order` int(11) NOT NULL, `number` int(11) NOT NULL, `total_discount_tax_excl` decimal(17,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `total_discount_tax_incl` decimal(17,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `total_paid_tax_excl` decimal(17,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `total_paid_tax_incl` decimal(17,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `total_products` decimal(17,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `total_products_wt` decimal(17,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `total_shipping_tax_excl` decimal(17,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `total_shipping_tax_incl` decimal(17,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `total_wrapping_tax_excl` decimal(17,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `total_wrapping_tax_incl` decimal(17,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00', `date_add` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_order_invoice`), KEY `id_order` (`id_order`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_order_invoice' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1050 in RENAME TABLE `ps_payment_cc` TO `ps_order_payment`: Table 'ps_order_payment' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_carrier` ADD COLUMN `max_width` int(10) DEFAULT 0 AFTER `position`, ADD COLUMN `max_height` int(10) DEFAULT 0 AFTER `max_width`, ADD COLUMN `max_depth` int(10) DEFAULT 0 AFTER `max_height`, ADD COLUMN `max_weight` int(10) DEFAULT 0 AFTER `max_depth`, ADD COLUMN `grade` int(10) DEFAULT 0 AFTER `max_weight`: Duplicate column name 'max_width' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_product` ADD COLUMN `id_address_delivery` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 AFTER `date_add`: Duplicate column name 'id_address_delivery' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart` ADD COLUMN `allow_seperated_package` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `gift_message`: Duplicate column name 'allow_seperated_package' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_product_carrier` ( `id_product` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_carrier_reference` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_shop` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_product`, `id_carrier_reference`, `id_shop`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_product_carrier' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_cart_rule` ( `id_cart_rule` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `id_customer` int unsigned NOT NULL default 0, `date_from` datetime NOT NULL, `date_to` datetime NOT NULL, `description` text, `quantity` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 0, `quantity_per_user` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 0, `priority` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 1, `code` varchar(254) NOT NULL, `minimum_amount` decimal(17,2) NOT NULL default 0, `minimum_amount_tax` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default 0, `minimum_amount_currency` int unsigned NOT NULL default 0, `minimum_amount_shipping` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default 0, `country_restriction` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default 0, `carrier_restriction` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default 0, `group_restriction` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default 0, `cart_rule_restriction` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default 0, `product_restriction` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default 0, `free_shipping` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default 0, `reduction_percent` decimal(5,2) NOT NULL default 0, `reduction_amount` decimal(17,2) NOT NULL default 0, `reduction_tax` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default 0, `reduction_currency` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 0, `reduction_product` int(10) NOT NULL default 0, `gift_product` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 0, `active` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default 0, `date_add` datetime NOT NULL, `date_upd` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_cart_rule`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_cart_rule' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_cart_rule_country` ( `id_cart_rule` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_country` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_cart_rule`, `id_country`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_cart_rule_country' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_cart_rule_group` ( `id_cart_rule` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_group` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_cart_rule`, `id_group`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_cart_rule_group' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_cart_rule_carrier` ( `id_cart_rule` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_carrier` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_cart_rule`, `id_carrier`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_cart_rule_carrier' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_cart_rule_combination` ( `id_cart_rule_1` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_cart_rule_2` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_cart_rule_1`, `id_cart_rule_2`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_cart_rule_combination' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_cart_rule_product_rule` ( `id_product_rule` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `id_cart_rule` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `quantity` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 1, `type` ENUM('products', 'categories', 'attributes') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_product_rule`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_cart_rule_product_rule' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_cart_rule` ( `id_cart_rule`, `id_customer`, `date_from`, `date_to`, `description`, `quantity`, `quantity_per_user`, `priority`, `code`, `minimum_amount`, `minimum_amount_tax`, `minimum_amount_currency`, `minimum_amount_shipping`, `country_restriction`, `carrier_restriction`, `group_restriction`, `cart_rule_restriction`, `product_restriction`, `free_shipping`, `reduction_percent`, `reduction_amount`, `reduction_tax`, `reduction_currency`, `reduction_product`, `gift_product`, `active`, `date_add`, `date_upd` ) ( SELECT `id_discount`, `id_customer`, `date_from`, `date_to`, `name`, `quantity`, `quantity_per_user`, 1, `name`, `minimal`, 1, @id_currency_default, 1, 0, 0, IF(id_group = 0, 0, 1), IF(cumulable = 1, 0, 1), 0, IF(id_discount_type = 3, 1, 0), IF(id_discount_type = 1, value, 0), IF(id_discount_type = 2, value, 0), 1, `id_currency`, 0, 0, `active`, `date_add`, `date_upd` FROM `ps_discount` ): Duplicate entry '2' for key 'PRIMARY' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in RENAME TABLE `ps_discount_lang` TO `ps_cart_rule_lang`: Table 'ps_cart_rule_lang' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_rule_lang` CHANGE `id_discount` `id_cart_rule` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL: Unknown column 'id_discount' in 'ps_cart_rule_lang' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_rule_lang` CHANGE `description` `name` varchar(254) NOT NULL: Unknown column 'description' in 'ps_cart_rule_lang' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in RENAME TABLE `ps_discount_category` TO `ps_cart_rule_product_rule_value`: Table 'ps_cart_rule_product_rule_value' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_rule_product_rule_value` CHANGE `id_category` `id_item` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL: Unknown column 'id_category' in 'ps_cart_rule_product_rule_value' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_rule_product_rule_value` CHANGE `id_discount` `id_product_rule` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL: Unknown column 'id_discount' in 'ps_cart_rule_product_rule_value' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in INSERT INTO `ps_cart_rule_product_rule` (`id_product_rule`, `id_cart_rule`, `quantity`, `type`) ( SELECT DISTINCT `id_product_rule`, `id_product_rule`, 1, 'categories' FROM `ps_cart_rule_product_rule_value` ): Unknown column 'id_cart_rule' in 'field list' [ERROR] SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_discount` CHANGE `id_discount` `id_cart_rule` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL: Table 'nortomle_1.ps_cart_discount' doesn't exist [ERROR] SQL 1050 in RENAME TABLE `ps_order_discount` TO `ps_order_cart_rule`: Table 'ps_order_cart_rule' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1050 in RENAME TABLE `ps_cart_discount` TO `ps_cart_cart_rule`: Table 'ps_cart_cart_rule' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_detail_tax` ADD `unit_amount` DECIMAL(16, 6) NOT NULL AFTER `id_tax`, ADD `total_amount` DECIMAL(16, 6) NOT NULL AFTER `unit_amount`: Duplicate column name 'unit_amount' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart` ADD COLUMN `delivery_option` varchar(100) AFTER `id_carrier`: Duplicate column name 'delivery_option' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_order_carrier` ( `id_order_carrier` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `id_order` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_carrier` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_order_invoice` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `weight` float DEFAULT NULL, `shipping_cost_tax_excl` decimal(20,6) DEFAULT NULL, `shipping_cost_tax_incl` decimal(20,6) DEFAULT NULL, `tracking_number` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, `date_add` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_order_carrier`), KEY `id_order` (`id_order`), KEY `id_carrier` (`id_carrier`), KEY `id_order_invoice` (`id_order_invoice`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_order_carrier' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_hook_alias` ( `id_hook_alias` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `alias` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_hook_alias`), UNIQUE KEY `alias` (`alias`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_hook_alias' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_hook_alias` (`id_hook_alias`, `name`, `alias`) VALUES (1, 'displayPayment', 'payment'), (2, 'actionValidateOrder', 'newOrder'), (3, 'actionPaymentConfirmation', 'paymentConfirm'), (4, 'displayPaymentReturn', 'paymentReturn'), (5, 'actionUpdateQuantity', 'updateQuantity'), (6, 'displayRightColumn', 'rightColumn'), (7, 'displayLeftColumn', 'leftColumn'), (8, 'displayHome', 'home'), (9, 'displayHeader', 'header'), (10, 'actionCartSave', 'cart'), (11, 'actionAuthentication', 'authentication'), (12, 'actionProductAdd', 'addproduct'), (13, 'actionProductUpdate', 'updateproduct'), (14, 'displayTop', 'top'), (15, 'displayRightColumnProduct', 'extraRight'), (16, 'actionProductDelete', 'deleteproduct'), (17, 'displayFooterProduct', 'productfooter'), (18, 'displayInvoice', 'invoice'), (19, 'actionOrderStatusUpdate', 'updateOrderStatus'), (20, 'displayAdminOrder', 'adminOrder'), (21, 'displayFooter', 'footer'), (22, 'displayPDFInvoice', 'PDFInvoice'), (23, 'displayAdminCustomers', 'adminCustomers'), (24, 'displayOrderConfirmation', 'orderConfirmation'), (25, 'actionCustomerAccountAdd', 'createAccount'), (26, 'displayCustomerAccount', 'customerAccount'), (27, 'actionOrderSlipAdd', 'orderSlip'), (28, 'displayProductTab', 'productTab'), (29, 'displayProductTabContent', 'productTabContent'), (30, 'displayShoppingCartFooter', 'shoppingCart'), (31, 'displayCustomerAccountForm', 'createAccountForm'), (32, 'displayAdminStatsModules', 'AdminStatsModules'), (33, 'displayAdminStatsGraphEngine', 'GraphEngine'), (34, 'actionOrderReturn', 'orderReturn'), (35, 'displayProductButtons', 'productActions'), (36, 'displayBackOfficeHome', 'backOfficeHome'), (37, 'displayAdminStatsGridEngine', 'GridEngine'), (38, 'actionWatermark', 'watermark'), (39, 'actionProductCancel', 'cancelProduct'), (40, 'displayLeftColumnProduct', 'extraLeft'), (41, 'actionProductOutOfStock', 'productOutOfStock'), (42, 'actionProductAttributeUpdate', 'updateProductAttribute'), (43, 'displayCarrierList', 'extraCarrier'), (44, 'displayShoppingCart', 'shoppingCartExtra'), (45, 'actionSearch', 'search'), (46, 'displayBeforePayment', 'backBeforePayment'), (47, 'actionCarrierUpdate', 'updateCarrier'), (48, 'actionOrderStatusPostUpdate', 'postUpdateOrderStatus'), (49, 'displayCustomerAccountFormTop', 'createAccountTop'), (50, 'displayBackOfficeHeader', 'backOfficeHeader'), (51, 'displayBackOfficeTop', 'backOfficeTop'), (52, 'displayBackOfficeFooter', 'backOfficeFooter'), (53, 'actionProductAttributeDelete', 'deleteProductAttribute'), (54, 'actionCarrierProcess', 'processCarrier'), (55, 'actionOrderDetail', 'orderDetail'), (56, 'displayBeforeCarrier', 'beforeCarrier'), (57, 'displayOrderDetail', 'orderDetailDisplayed'), (58, 'actionPaymentCCAdd', 'paymentCCAdded'), (59, 'displayProductComparison', 'extraProductComparison'), (60, 'actionCategoryAdd', 'categoryAddition'), (61, 'actionCategoryUpdate', 'categoryUpdate'), (62, 'actionCategoryDelete', 'categoryDeletion'), (63, 'actionBeforeAuthentication', 'beforeAuthentication'), (64, 'displayPaymentTop', 'paymentTop'), (65, 'actionHtaccessCreate', 'afterCreateHtaccess'), (66, 'actionAdminMetaSave', 'afterSaveAdminMeta'), (67, 'displayAttributeGroupForm', 'attributeGroupForm'), (68, 'actionAttributeGroupSave', 'afterSaveAttributeGroup'), (69, 'actionAttributeGroupDelete', 'afterDeleteAttributeGroup'), (70, 'displayFeatureForm', 'featureForm'), (71, 'actionFeatureSave', 'afterSaveFeature'), (72, 'actionFeatureDelete', 'afterDeleteFeature'), (73, 'actionProductSave', 'afterSaveProduct'), (74, 'actionProductListOverride', 'productListAssign'), (75, 'displayAttributeGroupPostProcess', 'postProcessAttributeGroup'), (76, 'displayFeaturePostProcess', 'postProcessFeature'), (77, 'displayFeatureValueForm', 'featureValueForm'), (78, 'displayFeatureValuePostProcess', 'postProcessFeatureValue'), (79, 'actionFeatureValueDelete', 'afterDeleteFeatureValue'), (80, 'actionFeatureValueSave', 'afterSaveFeatureValue'), (81, 'displayAttributeForm', 'attributeForm'), (82, 'actionAttributePostProcess', 'postProcessAttribute'), (83, 'actionAttributeDelete', 'afterDeleteAttribute'), (84, 'actionAttributeSave', 'afterSaveAttribute'), (85, 'actionTaxManager', 'taxManager'): Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_specific_price_rule_condition_group` ( `id_specific_price_rule_condition_group` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `id_specific_price_rule` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( `id_specific_price_rule_condition_group`, `id_specific_price_rule` ) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_specific_price_rule_condition_group' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_specific_price_rule_condition` ( `id_specific_price_rule_condition` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `id_specific_price_rule_condition_group` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `type` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `value` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_specific_price_rule_condition`), INDEX (`id_specific_price_rule_condition_group`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_specific_price_rule_condition' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_invoice` ADD `note` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `total_wrapping_tax_incl`: Duplicate column name 'note' [ERROR] PHP /* Update records before alter tables */ /* PHP:set_stock_available(); */ 1054 - (products)Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'field list' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_address` ADD COLUMN `id_warehouse` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `id_supplier`: Duplicate column name 'id_warehouse' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_cart_rule` ADD `value_tax_excl` DECIMAL(17, 2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00': Duplicate column name 'value_tax_excl' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_cart_rule` ADD `id_order_invoice` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `id_cart_rule`: Duplicate column name 'id_order_invoice' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_invoice` ADD `delivery_number` int(0) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `number`: Duplicate column name 'delivery_number' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_invoice` ADD `delivery_date` datetime AFTER `delivery_number`: Duplicate column name 'delivery_date' [ERROR] SQL 1242 in UPDATE `ps_order_detail` od SET od.`id_order_invoice` = ( SELECT oi.`id_order_invoice` FROM `ps_order_invoice` oi WHERE oi.`id_order` = od.`id_order` ): Subquery returns more than 1 row [ERROR] SQL 1242 in INSERT INTO `ps_order_carrier` (`id_order`, `id_carrier`, `id_order_invoice`, `weight`, `shipping_cost_tax_excl`, `shipping_cost_tax_incl`, `tracking_number`, `date_add`) ( SELECT `id_order`, `id_carrier`, ( SELECT oi.`id_order_invoice` FROM `ps_order_invoice` oi WHERE oi.`id_order` = o.`id_order` ), ( SELECT SUM(`product_weight`) FROM `ps_order_detail` od WHERE od.`id_order` = o.`id_order` ), `total_shipping_tax_excl`, `total_shipping_tax_incl`, `shipping_number`, `date_add` FROM `ps_orders` o ): Subquery returns more than 1 row [ERROR] SQL 1054 in INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_order_payment` (`id_order_invoice`, `id_order`, `id_currency`, `amount`, `payment_method`, `conversion_rate`, `date_add`) ( SELECT ( SELECT oi.`id_order_invoice` FROM `ps_order_invoice` oi WHERE oi.`id_order` = o.`id_order` ), o.`id_order`, o.`id_currency`, o.`total_paid_real`, o.`payment`, o.`conversion_rate`, o.`date_add` FROM `ps_orders` o LEFT JOIN `ps_order_payment` op ON (op.`id_order` = o.`id_order`) WHERE op.`id_order_payment` IS NULL ): Unknown column 'op.id_order' in 'on clause' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_webservice_account_shop` ( `id_webservice_account` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `id_shop` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_webservice_account` , `id_shop`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_webservice_account_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_theme` ADD COLUMN directory varchar(64) NOT NULL: Duplicate column name 'directory' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_category` ADD COLUMN `is_root_category` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `position`: Duplicate column name 'is_root_category' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_category_shop` ( `id_category` int(11) NOT NULL, `id_shop` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_category`, `id_shop`), UNIQUE KEY `id_category_shop` (`id_category`,`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_category_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_cart_rule_product_rule_group` ( `id_product_rule_group` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `id_cart_rule` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `quantity` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 1, PRIMARY KEY (`id_product_rule_group`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_cart_rule_product_rule_group' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1054 in INSERT INTO `ps_cart_rule_product_rule_group` (`id_product_rule_group`, `id_cart_rule`, `quantity`) ( SELECT `id_cart_rule`, `id_cart_rule`, `quantity` FROM `ps_cart_rule_product_rule` ): Unknown column 'id_cart_rule' in 'field list' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_rule_product_rule` CHANGE `id_cart_rule` `id_product_rule_group` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL: Unknown column 'id_cart_rule' in 'ps_cart_rule_product_rule' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_rule` ADD `partial_use` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `priority`: Duplicate column name 'partial_use' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_rule` ADD `shop_restriction` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `product_restriction`: Duplicate column name 'shop_restriction' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_cart_rule_shop` ( `id_cart_rule` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_shop` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_cart_rule`, `id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_cart_rule_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1054 in INSERT INTO `ps_configuration`(`id_group_shop`, `id_shop`, `name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, 'PS_LOGO', 'logo.jpg', NOw(), NOW()), (NULL, NULL, 'PS_LOGO_MAIL', 'logo_mail.jpg', NOw(), NOW()), (NULL, NULL, 'PS_LOGO_INVOICE', 'logo_invoice.jpg', NOW(), NOW()), (NULL, NULL, 'PS_FAVICON', 'favicon.jpg', NOW(), NOW()), (NULL, NULL, 'PS_STORES_ICON', 'logo_stores.gif', NOW(), NOW()): Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'field list' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_module_preference` ( `id_module_preference` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `id_employee` int(11) NOT NULL, `module` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `interest` tinyint(1) default NULL, `favorite` tinyint(1) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_module_preference`), UNIQUE KEY `employee_module` (`id_employee`, `module`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_module_preference' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_category_shop` ADD `position` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `id_shop`: Duplicate column name 'position' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_rule` ADD `gift_product_attribute` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `gift_product`: Duplicate column name 'gift_product_attribute' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product_shop` ADD `id_category_default` int(11) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL: Duplicate column name 'id_category_default' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_carrier_tax_rules_group_shop` ( `id_carrier` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_tax_rules_group` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_shop` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_carrier`, `id_tax_rules_group`, `id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_carrier_tax_rules_group_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_carrier_tax_rules_group_shop` (`id_carrier`, `id_tax_rules_group`, `id_shop`) (SELECT `id_carrier`, `id_tax_rules_group`, `id_shop` FROM `ps_carrier`, `ps_shop`): Duplicate entry '1-0-1' for key 'PRIMARY' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in RENAME TABLE `ps_group_shop` TO `ps_shop_group`: Table 'ps_shop_group' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_shop_group` CHANGE `id_group_shop` `id_shop_group` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT: Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'ps_shop_group' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_shop` CHANGE `id_group_shop` `id_shop_group` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL: Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'ps_shop' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_stock_available` CHANGE `id_group_shop` `id_shop_group` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL: Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'ps_stock_available' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart` CHANGE `id_group_shop` `id_shop_group` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL: Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'ps_cart' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_configuration` CHANGE `id_group_shop` `id_shop_group` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NULL: Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'ps_configuration' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_connections` CHANGE `id_group_shop` `id_shop_group` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL: Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'ps_connections' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_product_attribute_shop` ( `id_product_attribute` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_shop` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `wholesale_price` decimal(20,6) NOT NULL default '0.000000', `price` decimal(20,6) NOT NULL default '0.000000', `ecotax` decimal(17,6) NOT NULL default '0.00', `weight` float NOT NULL default '0', `unit_price_impact` decimal(17,2) NOT NULL default '0.00', `default_on` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `minimal_quantity` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', `available_date` date NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_product_attribute`, `id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_product_attribute_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1242 in INSERT INTO `ps_product_attribute_shop` (`id_product_attribute`, `id_shop`, `wholesale_price`, `price`, `ecotax`, `weight`, `unit_price_impact`, `default_on`, `minimal_quantity`, `available_date`) (SELECT `id_product_attribute`, (SELECT `value` FROM `ps_configuration` WHERE `name` = 'PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'), `wholesale_price`, `price`, `ecotax`, `weight`, `unit_price_impact`, `default_on`, `minimal_quantity`, `available_date` FROM `ps_product_attribute`): Subquery returns more than 1 row [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_attribute_shop` ( `id_attribute` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `id_shop` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_attribute`, `id_shop`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_attribute_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1054 in INSERT INTO `ps_attribute_shop` (`id_attribute`, `id_shop`) (SELECT a.id_attribute, c.id_shop FROM ps_attribute_group_shop a LEFT JOIN ps_shop_group b ON a.id_group_shop = b.id_shop_group INNER JOIN ps_shop c ON b.id_shop_group = c.id_shop_group): Unknown column 'a.id_attribute' in 'field list' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_feature_shop` ( `id_feature` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `id_shop` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id_feature`, `id_shop`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_feature_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_feature_shop` (`id_feature`, `id_shop`) (SELECT a.id_feature, c.id_shop FROM ps_feature_group_shop a LEFT JOIN ps_shop_group b ON a.id_group_shop = b.id_shop_group INNER JOIN ps_shop c ON b.id_shop_group = c.id_shop_group): Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 'PRIMARY' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_group_shop` ( `id_group` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `id_shop` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_group`, `id_shop`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_group_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_group_shop` (`id_group`, `id_shop`) (SELECT a.id_group, c.id_shop FROM ps_group_group_shop a LEFT JOIN ps_shop_group b ON a.id_group_shop = b.id_shop_group INNER JOIN ps_shop c ON b.id_shop_group = c.id_shop_group): Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 'PRIMARY' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_tax_rules_group_shop` ( `id_tax_rules_group` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `id_shop` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_tax_rules_group`, `id_shop`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_tax_rules_group_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_tax_rules_group_shop` (`id_tax_rules_group`, `id_shop`) (SELECT a.id_tax_rules_group, c.id_shop FROM ps_tax_rules_group_group_shop a LEFT JOIN ps_shop_group b ON a.id_group_shop = b.id_shop_group INNER JOIN ps_shop c ON b.id_shop_group = c.id_shop_group): Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 'PRIMARY' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_zone_shop` ( `id_zone` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `id_shop` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id_zone`, `id_shop`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_zone_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_zone_shop` (`id_zone`, `id_shop`) (SELECT a.id_zone, c.id_shop FROM ps_zone_group_shop a LEFT JOIN ps_shop_group b ON a.id_group_shop = b.id_shop_group INNER JOIN ps_shop c ON b.id_shop_group = c.id_shop_group): Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 'PRIMARY' [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_manufacturer_shop` ( `id_manufacturer` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `id_shop` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id_manufacturer`, `id_shop`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_manufacturer_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1050 in CREATE TABLE `ps_supplier_shop` ( `id_supplier` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `id_shop` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_supplier`, `id_shop`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_supplier_shop' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1050 in -- Update order_payment structure for multishipping -- Step 1: Add the table ps_order_invoice_payment and populate it CREATE TABLE `ps_order_invoice_payment` ( `id_order_invoice` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_order_payment` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_order` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_order_invoice`,`id_order_payment`), KEY `order_payment` (`id_order_payment`), KEY `id_order` (`id_order`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Table 'ps_order_invoice_payment' already exists [ERROR] SQL 1054 in INSERT INTO `ps_order_invoice_payment` (SELECT id_order_invoice, id_order_payment, id_order FROM `ps_order_payment` WHERE id_order_invoice > 0): Unknown column 'id_order_invoice' in 'field list' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in -- Step 2: Add the collumn id_order_reference ALTER TABLE `ps_order_payment` ADD COLUMN `order_reference` VARCHAR(9) AFTER `id_order`, ADD INDEX `order_reference`(`order_reference`): Unknown column 'id_order' in 'ps_order_payment' [ERROR] PHP -- Step 3: Fill in id_order_reference and merge duplicate lines /* PHP:add_order_reference_in_order_payment(); */ [ERROR] SQL 1091 in -- Step 4: Drop collumn id_order ALTER TABLE `ps_order_payment` DROP COLUMN `id_order`, DROP COLUMN `id_order_invoice`: Can't DROP 'id_order'; check that column/key exists [ERROR] SQL 1062 in INSERT INTO `ps_hook_alias` (`name`, `alias`) VALUES ('displayMyAccountBlock', 'myAccountBlock'): Duplicate entry 'myAccountBlock' for key 'alias' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_invoice` ADD `shipping_tax_computation_method` INT NOT NULL AFTER `total_shipping_tax_incl`: Duplicate column name 'shipping_tax_computation_method' [ERROR] SQL 1061 in ALTER TABLE `ps_stock_available` ADD INDEX `product_sqlstock` ( `id_product` , `id_product_attribute` , `id_shop` ): Duplicate key name 'product_sqlstock' [ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_category` ADD `id_shop_default` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 1 AFTER `id_parent`: Duplicate column name 'id_shop_default' Warning detected during upgrade. 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Frevab Posted January 23, 2013 Share Posted January 23, 2013 Is dit nog goed gekomen? Ben blij dat ik goed heb werken en ben benieuwd naar 1.5.3. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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