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[solved] Product images broken?

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If you recently migrated your site, chances are there that it's problem with file permission. When i followed the image url, it gives me 404 error, that means the images dont exist in the server. So, if you are sure that you have uploaded your images correctly, I'd recommend you to go to Preferences > Images and regenerate all the images. If you have lots of products, it might take some time. Hope it would help

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your product list file is calling for "home" image but I guess you have home_default setup in your back office -> preferences -> images? if so, just create a new field "home" and assign the same values as "home_default".

make sure its enabled after and regenerate thumbnails again.


I think you can also try to edit your "themes/default/product-list.tpl" line 42: and change 'home' to 'home_default'


But I recommend doing the 1st thing I wrote

Edited by yaniv14 (see edit history)
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btw: you can do the same with: small, medium, large to get also your other images to work.

don't forget to regenerate after you created all new image preferences, and make sure you duplicated the info (size, assignment etc..) from the matching value (like: small & small_default)

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