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Upgrading a theme, help?

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Since things changed a lot between prestashop 1.3 and 1.5, I'd suggest you duplicate the default 1.5 template, erase all the css, and copy the new theme's css over. Then, looking at the old one in a window, and at the new one in another (something like split screen if you use sublime text 2), you take note of the changes.


it's a bit of a long process, but at least you'll have a fully funcional theme when you're done ;)



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Just to add something else to what nemo1 said....

start by matching your fresh install of 1.5/1.5.2/3 (whatever) to the free theme as far as modules and modules locations.

so your new store will be identical to theme beside the graphic design.

the next step is to modify your home page and other pages as far as columns because the free theme for home page use only center column and on other pages uses 3 columns.


Good luck (very nice free theme)

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if you got the layout, start by copying all the content from the free theme global.css over your global.css, for now just copy additional to what you have, don't erase yet and start module by module to remove/erase overlapping css values (make sure you keep the one's you want), probably for the modules css you can completely comment out the entire content.

also make sure you copy over all the new images/icons from the free theme (put it in your themes/default/img folder).


If you will post your site url, I'll try to help you.

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if you got the layout, start by copying all the content from the free theme global.css over your global.css, for now just copy additional to what you have, don't erase yet and start module by module to remove/erase overlapping css values (make sure you keep the one's you want), probably for the modules css you can completely comment out the entire content.

also make sure you copy over all the new images/icons from the free theme (put it in your themes/default/img folder).


If you will post your site url, I'll try to help you.


I'm just waiting for my name servers to update so going to try and do a bit locally and test it at home while I'm waiting


It would be great if you could help me when the domain is live :)



Lee Todd

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I will have some time tonight to help you a bit, but you need to start by matching all the pages modules.

for example you need to exclude the modules on right & left columns from home page (go to BO -> modules -> position and edit the module you need and add exception for the index page)


also I saw that the search block is not necessary in home page, you actually need to run the search module from the "top horizontal menu" module


also remove all the unnecessary modules from the footer.


It will be easier to do it once you match your site to the free theme demo site.

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