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% of $price_without_specific_price = $shipping_cost

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so my shipping_cost is the percent of order_total from zone/range table,right now im using near line 2683 of classes/Cart.php

$shipping_cost += $order_total*(($carrier->getDeliveryPriceByPrice($order_total, $id_zone, (int)$this->id_currency))/100);


1. i need the shipping_cost to be a % of the whole sale prices...

insted of order total, i need sum of all $price_without_specific_prices.


i can see that in the smarty debugger in front office, there are variables of $products->price_without_specific_prices. I found in front\ParentOrderContoller.php

Edited by brandonc503 (see edit history)
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so my shipping_cost is the percent of order_total from zone/range table,right now im using near line 2683 of classes/Cart.php

$shipping_cost += $order_total*(($carrier->getDeliveryPriceByPrice($order_total, $id_zone, (int)$this->id_currency))/100);


1. i need insted the shipping_cost to be a % of the whole sale prices...

insted of order total, i need sum of all $price_without_specific_prices.


i can see that in the smarty debugger in front office, there are variables of $products->price_without_specific_prices. I found in front\ParentOrderContoller.php


Hi Brandon,


Have you managed to work this out yet?


I'm afraid that I cannot help you with the issue that you have, but I myself have the same issue.



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