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increase product image upload size

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Hey -


This is my first post but certainly not a noob to Invision Power board forums. Did search extensively for an answer to my question but could not find anything.


When I attempt to upload an image to a product, the form says max file is 0.12MB. It certainly holds to that.


My php.ini file is set at 128mb so that's not an issue. I have changed the settings in Preferences -> Images -> Product Images and still the upload page says 0.12MB.


I have also set the Administration -> Preferences -> Upload Quota -> image value upload limit to 2mb and still, the upload page for a products says 0.12MB


What gives? I am using the default skin for 1.5.2. I upgraded from 1.4.9 using the auto upgrader.


Thanks for any thoughts or ideas.




[edit] okay, now it says max upload is 1.91 mb. strange why the delay?

Edited by surferboy (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

Found a manual solution:


Run that on your SQL:


UPDATE `your_db_name`.`ps_configuration` SET `value` = '2097152' WHERE `ps_configuration`.`id_configuration` =33;


This will change it to 2 Mb (raise or reduce as much as you want)


You should be able to change it under "Preferences -> Images", but for some reason its not saving it on the DB when you select Save.

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Same problem UNSOLVED here.


I've just upgraded to ps and I have almost 5000 products. When I try to upload images the bigger ones report error.


So to test it I resize one of the images to half size.


So original size was: 3.22Mb and 3744 x 5616 pixels (got error in upload)

Half size 976kb and 1872 x 2808 pixels went fine


In backoffice I changed the preferences/images


Maximum size to 5000000 bytes

max weight and lenght to 5000 both (pixels)


I double checked the database and the values changed inside it so what's wrong???

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Same problem UNSOLVED here.


I've just upgraded to ps and I have almost 5000 products. When I try to upload images the bigger ones report error.


So to test it I resize one of the images to half size.


So original size was: 3.22Mb and 3744 x 5616 pixels (got error in upload)

Half size 976kb and 1872 x 2808 pixels went fine


In backoffice I changed the preferences/images


Maximum size to 5000000 bytes

max weight and lenght to 5000 both (pixels)


I double checked the database and the values changed inside it so what's wrong???


check you php.ini value for upload_max_filesize  (edited as I had wrong field to check)


you can use my free module to check all php.ini and runtime 


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check you php.ini value for max_file_uploads


you can use my free module to check all php.ini and runtime 


Ok, but I upgraded from 1.5.6 to 1.6 and before the images were uploading fine....so, do you think it's a matter of php.ini configurations?


I installed your module and got this information:

max_execution_time 300

max_file_uploads 20

max_input_nesting_level 64

max_input_time 300

max_input_vars 10000

memory_limit 128M

Edited by jvicente (see edit history)
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earlier you mentioned an error message for the larger images, what is the exact message?



my message was:


""I've just upgraded to ps and I have almost 5000 products. When I try to upload images the bigger ones report error.


So to test it I resize one of the images to half size.


So original size was: 3.22Mb and 3744 x 5616 pixels (got error in upload)

Half size 976kb and 1872 x 2808 pixels went fine


In backoffice I changed the preferences/images


Maximum size to 5000000 bytes

max weight and lenght to 5000 both (pixels)


I double checked the database and the values changed inside it so what's wrong???""

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no the exact error message, so I can isolate the code issuing the error message.


what I noticed in the code is that it will use the smallest value from post_max_size or upload_max_filesize


check that post_max_size is larger than image size


from classes/Tool.php

	public static function getMaxUploadSize($max_size = 0)
		$post_max_size = Tools::convertBytes(ini_get('post_max_size'));
		$upload_max_filesize = Tools::convertBytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
		if ($max_size > 0)
			$result = min($post_max_size, $upload_max_filesize, $max_size);
			$result = min($post_max_size, $upload_max_filesize);
		return $result;

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no the exact error message, so I can isolate the code issuing the error message.


what I noticed in the code is that it will use the smallest value from post_max_size or upload_max_filesize


check that post_max_size is larger than image size


from classes/Tool.php

	public static function getMaxUploadSize($max_size = 0)
		$post_max_size = Tools::convertBytes(ini_get('post_max_size'));
		$upload_max_filesize = Tools::convertBytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
		if ($max_size > 0)
			$result = min($post_max_size, $upload_max_filesize, $max_size);
			$result = min($post_max_size, $upload_max_filesize);
		return $result;

About post_max_size or upload_max_filesize they are both above filesize. I tried to upload the big file again and the error was:


7320.jpg : An error occurred while copying image, check your memory limit.

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try memory of 256mb.


here is where error comes from, during resize

	public static function checkImageMemoryLimit($image)
		$infos = @getimagesize($image);

		$memory_limit = Tools::getMemoryLimit();
		// memory_limit == -1 => unlimited memory
		if (function_exists('memory_get_usage') && (int)$memory_limit != -1)
			$current_memory = memory_get_usage();
			$channel = isset($infos['channels']) ? ($infos['channels'] / 8) : 1;

			// Evaluate the memory required to resize the image: if it's too much, you can't resize it.
			if (($infos[0] * $infos[1] * $infos['bits'] * $channel + pow(2, 16)) * 1.8 + $current_memory > $memory_limit - 1024 * 1024)
				return false;

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