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How do I add basic text to a .tpl page

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I have a .tpl page with a gallery of images on but would like to add some basic introduction text to the top of it.


It is not a CMS page so I will have to edit it directly.


Can anyone show me a basic example of what to add at the top ie header and some text. I tried basic html but nothing showed up.


Any help appreciated



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html works directly in .tpl files

A example from a "module" I made

<h4><a href="{$base_dir}partners.php" title="{l s='Partners' mod='blockpartners'}">{l s='Partners' mod='blockpartners'}</a></h4>

h4: html

$base_dir: variables and functions (if clauses and the like) enclosed by {}

{l s...: Plain text should be of this format so that it can be translated in the BO (mod='foo' is for modules and isn't used for themes files)



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