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Multistore Installation Problems

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I've got a website running on a .fr domain name and I want to set up the same store in Spanish on a .es domain. I'd like them to be linked. But I'm really struggling. I followed the basic instructions in the manual and the backend of the store looks fine from the .fr side. However, there is no connection to the .es site and I'm not really sure how to set one up.


I have tried installing prestashop using my cpanel for the .es site but it creates a new stand alone store.


Does the multistore function work for sites with different TLDs and if so how do I make it work?


Any help would be appreciated.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for your quick reply on this. I'm still struggling to make this happy. Parking it in cpanel doesn't seem to do any thing should I park it and redirect also do you know what I should put as the root directory? I've tried a few different things but with no luck. Also I've tried creating an addon domain as I saw some advice on doing that with opencart but to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Thanks for your quick reply on this. I'm still struggling to make this happy. Parking it in cpanel doesn't seem to do any thing should I park it and redirect also do you know what I should put as the root directory? I've tried a few different things but with no luck. Also I've tried creating an addon domain as I saw some advice on doing that with opencart but to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


PS needs to see the http host request come in, this is done with cpanel using parked. If you do redirect then the http host will change before PS gains control. I wrote a module that tells you the http host that PS sees and can be found here.


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