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ODBC Interface and Using Hooks

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Let me start by saying I have an unusual way of using PrestaShop. I manage all of my product and category data within a FileMaker Pro environment. Using FileMaker DB relationships and scripts I am able to add/modify/delete PS categories and products via an ODBC interface. I can also handle attachments and images in a like manner. This approach was first implemented when we were using OScommerce and was migrated to PS about 2 years ago.


In recent 1.4x versions of PS and especially under 1.5, this is now causing some major gas pains. It seems like when I add a product using this interface, the presentation of the data on my web site does not appear correctly until I go into PSadmin and "save" the product data. I am sure this is due to the fact that the proper hook (actionProductSave, etc.) are not being invoked by my interface, and only gets invoked when I do a "save" from within PSadmin.


I would like to be able to execute hooks externally to PSadmin, possible through the addition of a special module or other methods.


I need some help in further understanding the problem/solution and some help in implementing a methodology of making this work properly. While I am an old time software developer (C, Fortran, Assembly code, etc.) I am not a PHP programmer. Having said that I need to also connect with someone who can help, for a fee, to implement a solution to my situation.


Any and all advise is greatly appreciated.

Edited by Joe Germann (see edit history)
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