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[Solved] Who knows a little about PHP's version release history?

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Hi, Here's the problem :


My host is running PHP v.5.3.0.

I think Prestashop 1.5 has features implemented for PHP v5.3.9.


I get a error message when trying to edit text from the back office :


"Warning, your PHP configuration limits the maximum number of fields to post in a form: 1000 for max_input_vars. Please ask your hosting provider to increase the this limit to 1318 at least or edit the translation file manually."


My host doesn't quite know what to do with that...


What would be the solution? I asked about the PHP history because I wonder if someone knows if this feature of PHP is there in v5.3.0.?


If not, do I ask my host to update PHP?

How can I change the text manually?


Well, for a newb, I got a great challenge... Your help is appreciated.



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Yeah, maybe so... they're a small company but the people there are extra nice and I've been with them for many years on a special radio broadcast site... They're specialized in web radio... I think I am pushing them with my new project... In all it took me half a day and a few emails... That's true, they may not have known that from the start, but at least they never lied about it and now they know :) The way I see it, it's a win/win relationship!


Thanks again, your post did helped a lot!

Edited by infinityunit (see edit history)
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