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Problem with pack product inventory not working...

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I thought I had all of the options set up correctly to use pack products. I set the product to "pack", added the individual items to the pack (they use advanced stock management), associated a common warehouse, made sure there are enough of the pack items to make the pack show as available, but they still say they are out of stock.


For example:


I have an individual product called "Life Potion" and a product pack of 8 Life Potions. I have 30 Life Potions which would be more than enough for the pack to show as in stock and available for sale, but it says I am out of stock for the pack product.


Is there some setting somewhere I am missing? I have created many pack products and none of them are showing available for sale like they should.


This is in 1.5.2

Edited by AFemaleProdigy (see edit history)
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I have also had problems using "packs".


I have followed all steps that I thought I needed..

Created a pack and added, 1 battery, 1 usb charger.

both items are in stock, same warehouse etc, in the pack section it says according to your stock you should have 50+ available, yet it still shows as 0 :(


So I am also looking for the solution to this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From what I can tell you have to manually set a quantity. Having prestasop automatically calculate quanties would be wonderful addition.


i just started using it on 1.5.2 and I think it is deduction the parts from inventory.


If you or someone you know could write script that would calculate and update the quanties via cron or or however I would pitch in some money for it

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