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[SOLVED] 1.5 upgrade - Missing Orders Tab - controller adminparentorders is missing or invalid.

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Hi there


Just upgraded to 1.5.2 from 1.4.8 which was a bit tricky and threw up a few issues:


I don't appear to have an 'orders tab' in my back office? I get the following error when trying to access it thru another menu


The controller adminparentorders is missing or invalid.


ANy ideas how I can fix it? and add the orders tab to my BO?

Maybe re-install the module/tab some how?


Many Thanks for your time

Edited by atwitz3nd (see edit history)
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I do not have a working insta here atm so I have to recall it from memory but as far as I remember there was one dead link in the navigation possiblyadminparentorders but in my case I could view the orders as usual under the orders section. I assume that AdminOrdersController.php under controllers/admin is the one responsible for displaying the orders. So if this is missing you should copy the controllers/admin folder from a local copy to your server and see if files are missing.

Best regards, trip

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Hi, Thanks for taking the time to reply :)


It turns out I did have all the correct files in the right places but I don't think the order menu was created properly on upgrade. So re-uploading the controllers/admin folder changed nothing.


But - In the end I managed to fix this myself by manually creating a new menu via the BO, and populating the parent category with all the appropriate subcategories. The trick is to find the name of the appropriate controller (in controllers/admin) and use that name in the 'class' field of the 'add new menu' area.


So for anyone having the same trouble, just rebuild the menu from scratch inside the Back Office.





Orders: Class = Admin Orders

Invoices : Calss = AdminInvoices

Returns: Class = Adminreturn



and so on!


- Job Done! Woohoo


Thank you

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