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[Solved]. opps deleted tabs !!

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I was exploring our test system. I found something called tabs in tools, then I sounds delete.. lol

I removed some of the tabs, now I am not able to get back. (Ie orders)

I am assuming there is just a data entry for the tabs?

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Thank you :)

Would be easier if you supplied somewhere a complete list of all the standard values, as I am very sure I am not the only one who did or will do this.. lol

But an idea for future development of the system maybe not to remove entry from the table but to have a visibilty tab. Users might decided not use a feature to start with so remove the tab, then at a later point they might want to start using. But there is no way to know what the standard tabs where, what the image was or the classname of the tab.


You want to use the order feature.

How would the user know there was an order feature,
How would the user know what the standard image was for it
How would the user know to set up the standard time the class name would have to be "AdminOrders"


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I know what you mean, I already thought about it and I plan to create the list you're talking about for a long time.

There is a way to hide tabs you don't want to use :
Employees > Permissions.
(be careful not to hide Employees or Permissions tabs for the Admin profil)

But for the moment, you should give us the list of the tabs which are missing... huuu... they're a lot ? :-/
Else, you also could make another install of PS and export / import the corresponding table, or just watch values to fill to create the tabs.

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Thank you for listening to my ramblings :)

I look forward to your lists (when you get around to doing them .. hehe) for now I will take you advise and just install a new copy of the system and then import the missing values.

Yet again many many thanks.

Not only is this a good piece of software, but the support on the forums seems to be excellent as well . well done !!


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  • 5 months later...


The tabs in Presta are controlled by the records in 2 tables. Basically when you ask the system to remove tabs, it deletes the records from the tables. So for you to tabs back you need to reinsert the records.

(I believe that there should be an extra field in the tables saying visible, so instead of deleted a tab it just hides it, that wAy you can bring it back if needed.)

Here is the SQL which generates the Tabs

INSERT INTO `PREFIX_tab_lang` (`id_lang`, `id_tab`, `name`) VALUES
(1, 1, 'Catalog'),
(1, 2, 'Customers'),
(1, 3, 'Orders'),
(1, 4, 'Payment'),
(1, 5, 'Shipping'),
(1, 6, 'Stats'),
(1, 7, 'Modules'),
(1, 8, 'Preferences'),
(1, 9, 'Tools'),
(1, 10, 'Manufacturers'),
(1, 11, 'Attributes and groups'),
(1, 12, 'Addresses'),
(1, 13, 'Order statuses'),
(1, 14, 'Vouchers'),
(1, 15, 'Currencies'),
(1, 16, 'Taxes'),
(1, 17, 'Carriers'),
(1, 18, 'Countries'),
(1, 19, 'Zones'),
(1, 20, 'Price ranges'),
(1, 21, 'Weight ranges'),
(1, 22, 'Positions'),
(1, 23, 'Database'),
(1, 24, 'Email'),
(1, 26, 'Image'),
(1, 27, 'Products'),
(1, 28, 'Contacts'),
(1, 29, 'Employees'),
(1, 30, 'Profiles'),
(1, 31, 'Permissions'),
(1, 32, 'Languages'),
(1, 33, 'Translations'),
(1, 34, 'Suppliers'),
(1, 35, 'Tabs'),
(1, 36, 'Features'),
(1, 37, 'Quick Accesses'),
(1, 38, 'Appearance'),
(1, 39, 'Contact'),
(1, 40, 'Aliases'),
(1, 41, 'Import'),
(1, 42, 'Invoices'),
(1, 43, 'Search'),
(1, 44, 'Localization'),
(1, 46, 'States'),
(1, 47, 'Merchandise return (RMAs)'),
(1, 48, 'PDF'),
(1, 49, 'Credit slips'),
(1, 50, 'Modules'),
(1, 51, 'Settings'),
(1, 52, 'Subdomains'),
(1, 53, 'Database backup'),
(1, 54, 'Order Messages'),
(1, 55, 'Delivery slips'),
(1, 56, 'Meta-Tags'),
(1, 57, 'CMS'),
(1, 58, 'Image mapping'),
(2, 1, 'Catalogue'),
(2, 2, 'Clients'),
(2, 3, 'Commandes'),
(2, 4, 'Paiement'),
(2, 5, 'Transport'),
(2, 6, 'Stats'),
(2, 7, 'Modules'),
(2, 8, 'Préférences'),
(2, 9, 'Outils'),
(2, 10, 'Fabricants'),
(2, 11, 'Attributs et groupes'),
(2, 12, 'Adresses'),
(2, 13, 'Statuts des commandes'),
(2, 14, 'Bons de réduction'),
(2, 15, 'Devises'),
(2, 16, 'Taxes'),
(2, 17, 'Transporteurs'),
(2, 18, 'Pays'),
(2, 19, 'Zones'),
(2, 20, 'Tranches de prix'),
(2, 21, 'Tranches de poids'),
(2, 22, 'Positions'),
(2, 23, 'Base de données'),
(2, 24, 'Emails'),
(2, 26, 'Images'),
(2, 27, 'Produits'),
(2, 28, 'Contacts'),
(2, 29, 'Employés'),
(2, 30, 'Profils'),
(2, 31, 'Permissions'),
(2, 32, 'Langues'),
(2, 33, 'Traductions'),
(2, 34, 'Fournisseurs'),
(2, 35, 'Onglets'),
(2, 36, 'Caractéristiques'),
(2, 37, 'Accès rapide'),
(2, 38, 'Apparence'),
(2, 39, 'Coordonnées'),
(2, 40, 'Alias'),
(2, 41, 'Import'),
(2, 42, 'Factures'),
(2, 43, 'Recherche'),
(2, 44, 'Localisation'),
(2, 46, 'Etats'),
(2, 47, 'Retours produits'),
(2, 48, 'PDF'),
(2, 49, 'Avoirs'),
(2, 50, 'Modules'),
(2, 51, 'Configuration'),
(2, 52, 'Sous domaines'),
(2, 53, 'Sauvegarde BDD'),
(2, 54, 'Messages prédéfinis'),
(2, 55, 'Bons de livraison'),
(2, 56, 'Méta-Tags'),
(2, 57, 'CMS'),
(2, 58, 'Scènes');

INSERT INTO `PREFIX_tab` (`id_tab`, `class_name`, `id_parent`, `position`) VALUES
(1, 'AdminCatalog', 0, 1),
(2, 'AdminCustomers', 0, 2),
(3, 'AdminOrders', 0, 3),
(4, 'AdminPayment', 0, 4),
(5, 'AdminShipping', 0, 5),
(6, 'AdminStats', 0, 6),
(7, 'AdminModules', 0, 7),
(29, 'AdminEmployees', 0, 8),
(8, 'AdminPreferences', 0, 9),
(9, 'AdminTools', 0, 10),
(10, 'AdminManufacturers', 1, 1),
(34, 'AdminSuppliers', 1, 2),
(11, 'AdminAttributesGroups', 1, 3),
(36, 'AdminFeatures', 1, 4),
(12, 'AdminAddresses', 2, 1),
(42, 'AdminInvoices', 3, 1),
(55, 'AdminDeliverySlip', 3, 2),
(47, 'AdminReturn', 3, 3),
(49, 'AdminSlip', 3, 4),
(13, 'AdminOrdersStates', 3, 5),
(54, 'AdminOrderMessage', 3, 6),
(14, 'AdminDiscounts', 4, 3),
(15, 'AdminCurrencies', 4, 1),
(16, 'AdminTaxes', 4, 2),
(17, 'AdminCarriers', 5, 1),
(46, 'AdminStates', 5, 2),
(18, 'AdminCountries', 5, 3),
(19, 'AdminZones', 5, 4),
(20, 'AdminRangePrice', 5, 5),
(21, 'AdminRangeWeight', 5, 6),
(50, 'AdminStatsModules', 6, 1),
(51, 'AdminStatsConf', 6, 4),
(22, 'AdminModulesPositions', 7, 1),
(30, 'AdminProfiles', 29, 1),
(31, 'AdminAccess', 29, 2),
(28, 'AdminContacts', 29, 3),
(39, 'AdminContact', 8, 1),
(38, 'AdminAppearance', 8, 2),
(56, 'AdminMeta', 8, 3),
(27, 'AdminPPreferences', 8, 4),
(24, 'AdminEmails', 8, 5),
(26, 'AdminImages', 8, 6),
(23, 'AdminDb', 8, 7),
(48, 'AdminPDF', 8, 8),
(44, 'AdminLocalization', 8, 9),
(32, 'AdminLanguages', 9, 1),
(33, 'AdminTranslations', 9, 2),
(35, 'AdminTabs', 9, 3),
(37, 'AdminQuickAccesses', 9, 4),
(40, 'AdminAliases', 9, 5),
(41, 'AdminImport', 9, 6),
(52, 'AdminSubDomains', 9, 7),
(53, 'AdminBackup', 9, 8),
(43, 'AdminSearch', -1, 0),
(57, 'AdminCMS', 9, 9),
(58, 'AdminScenes', 1, 5);

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To insert these records you need to have access to the MySql data.

The only way I can see to readd the tab is to manually add the deleted records directly into the datatables

(Unless of course a fix has been done for the issue that I am not aware of)

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  • 3 months later...

You can add Tabs by the admin panel
TOOLS -> Tabs then click Add new define a name by your choice and then on class add the name of the php file located in admin/tabs directory of your site.

For example, if you want to add Invoices tab in ORDERS and you know it`s name is AdminInvoices.php located in /admin/tabs (AND EXISTS!!!)
You go there and fullfill
Name: Invoices
Class: AdminInvoices
Parent: ORDERS

and you`re done :)

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