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PS 1.4.x Product Additional shipping cost by carrier

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e. g. televisions and other voluminous products

since i have two carriers, standard and express...the delivery cost prices are different, i can't add only one cost, isn't it?

is it possible to manage the Additional shipping cost by carrier? OR add the cost ONLY if the carrier is the express?

Thanks, Happy Holidays :)

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thank you tomerg3...but already done those settings, but it's not so easy...because some products don't respect the weight only parameter (e. g. IF the weight volume is bigger than the specific weight, it will be a dedicated price)...so i should do some calculations sync among the catalog delivery prices and the prices by weight on the database, before to edit the additional_shipping_cost field

Edited by mmsh (see edit history)
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maybe there is an empty prestashop database field which i can use as "additional_shipping_cost" express? and do something like:

foreach($products AS $product)
// if   standard carrier
$shipping_cost += $product['additional_shipping_cost'] * $product['cart_quantity'];
// if express carrier
$shipping_cost += $product['newfield'] * $product['cart_quantity'];

e. g. since i don't use the upc field, could it be $product['upc'] ? and how to point out the if standard carrier and the if express carrier ?

Edited by mmsh (see edit history)
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