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Problem with blockmanufacturer

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Can someone give me some advise about this problem:

the site doesn't show the list of products when I select a manufacturer.If I check the list of manufacters, it shows all manufactures, and who has how many products.


But when I click on show the products, the page says there are no products of this manufacturer.

I tried to check for firebugs, but it doesn't give any warnings for errors. It seems like I don't have really any products for that manufacturer....


My version of Prestashop is


Thank you for your help!





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What i did to fix the problema was this:



seeyei, If you really need supliers, try to change in Preference -> Products ->Default order by: Position inside category - NOT Product added date. It should work in Presta 1.5.2 (this is bug)


try to change in phpMyAdmin in table ps_configuration



in second way you will have available products at the top of list.


sorry for my english



We changed directly from the Data base, because from the backoffice doesn't work. Probably me or my co-worker change the configuration, but then it doesn't changed anymore...

The same problem with some traslation... often i don't succeed to edit the traslation.. Even i try to save it they doesn't change. :P Actually i must say that the 1.3. and 1.4 was working better ;) ... but fortunally still the manual edit works always ;)

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  • 5 months later...

Hello forumers,

I have the follow prob in the FO by showing the list of manufactures, there comes the text with the image discription over.

Any suggestion?

I have re install the module and I have replace the manufactures.php with the fresh from prestashop.

I run V1.5.4.1


Thnx ,


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Your img tag is not close proparly.

check line #55 in 'themes/default/manufacturers-list.tpl'

and see if its like this

<img src="{$img_manu_dir}{$manufacturer.image|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}-medium_default.jpg" alt="" width="{$mediumSize.width}" height="{$mediumSize.height}" />
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Thanks yaniv14,

all things for the manufacures works fine now.


Up to the follow prob!!

in BO, I strungled with blankn white page, after a click on configuration information, there won't do nothing, no errors, only a blank white page back.

I have also the same prob with regenate pictures from products, but they go well for example the pictures from the manufactures and the others.

Even the same prob with importing the cvs product file, when I tray to upload +/- 100 products, also a blank white page back and I see that after refresh and so on, there missing some products.


When I upload a smaller product file (+/- 4 products), they will going fine.


Best Regards,


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