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There must be an easier way...

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When I upload a new product. For exampel a T-shirt and let's say it has four coulors; red, green, yellow and blue and it comes in ten different sizes. That is 40 different combinations. And I have four pictures of the T-shirt, one for each coulor. Can I somehow in the combination generator say that the picture of the red T-shirt goes with the coulor red so I dont have to choose a picture to every possible combination? It takes so long time, and there must be an easier way for me to do this.

I would appreciate any help.

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i had same issue 57 combination had to checkon every combo, tried image with same name as combo, same ID from database, about 6 diff names none worked

they shoud add a system to make it easier for making combos

like give your combo image names as 001, 002... or img-red, img green... something easier

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Perhaps copying a existing product instead of creating a new one helps a bit?




But then I would have the same problem of choosing a picture to every possible combination. So creating the combos is not the timeconsuming part. That is to go and edit every combination. But still, thanks for the tip Mats :)

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I had this exact problem yesterday, I do a tee shirt in s,m,l,xl,xxl in three colours, printed front or back don't know how many different combos that is but it took for ever adding the images. I don't sell many products like this but if I did I'd definitely be looking at the module to see if there was a way to modify it to add the image while making to combo.

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there's a decent module called mass combination editor that works pretty well for that. I had an issue with it conflicting with another module but overall it is worth the money in the amount of time you'll save. I recommend having a look at it...


I'll definitely have to check up on this! Thanks alot! :D

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Hey Maria,

Did you got the easier way to add images to combinations?I have exactly the same problem than you...

Or the only way is installing the mass combination editor?


I haven't tried that yet. Somhow I didn't se that people had repield to my post untill you wrote today. So I'm sorry, I can't help you very much....

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Hi Maria!


I purchased the mass combination editor.



It is the perfect solution!!!


Thanks go2pub for shedding some light into this dark chapter...


thanks go2pub? hmmm...didn't see any light shed there. ;)


(no offense to you go2pub!)

Edited by Online Office USA (see edit history)
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