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Beware of www.themeprestashop1-5.fr themes


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During one training session of Prestashop, today 12/12/12, one student suggested to try a free theme he found on http://www.themeprestashop1-5.fr .


Trying it locally was harmless


So we installed it on a distant server. We had set up a vhost and a database for the training, installed a Prestashop 1.5.2, added a few items for the demo.

I installed the http://www.themeprestashop1-5.fr theme, called leo_sportshoes_v15x in a subfolder, called leo, of my vhost.

I used the same db, but with different tables prefix.

I did so, because it was the end of the session, instead of setting up a new vhost and db.


When the installation was finished, it was possible to connect to the new prestashop in the leo folder, but impossible to connect to the other prestashop in the root folder of the vhost.


Looking at the logs, I found the error, Googled it and modified the ps_cipher... setting the 1 value to 0.


Then, looking at the configuration table, I found that time was set to Asia/Ho Chi Minh, currency was Vietnamese such as a lot of other data. The administration language was set to Italian.


Hopefully, there were only demo vhosts, so I deleted all data and db from the server, and no payment module was set up.

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Found in leo_sportshoes_v15x/install/data/theme.sql :


INSERT INTO `ps_contact` (`id_contact`, `email`, `customer_service`, `position`) VALUES

(1, '[email protected]', 1, 0),

(2, '[email protected]', 1, 0);



INSERT INTO `ps_currency` (`id_currency`, `name`, `iso_code`, `iso_code_num`, `sign`, `blank`, `format`, `decimals`, `conversion_rate`, `deleted`, `active`) VALUES

(1, 'Đồng', 'VND', '704', '₫', 1, 2, 1, '1.000000', 0, 1),



INSERT INTO `ps_customer` (`id_customer`, `id_shop_group`, `id_shop`, `id_gender`, `id_default_group`, `id_risk`, `company`, `siret`, `ape`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `email`, `passwd`, `last_passwd_gen`, `birthday`, `newsletter`, `ip_registration_newsletter`, `newsletter_date_add`, `optin`, `website`, `outstanding_allow_amount`, `show_public_prices`, `max_payment_days`, `secure_key`, `note`, `active`, `is_guest`, `deleted`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES

(3, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'hgjg', 'jghjgh', '[email protected]', '4c842c5eabdcd4a26e64bd8e68117cd4', '2012-10-11 09:22:47', '1988-10-16', 0, NULL, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1, NULL, '0.000000', 0, 0, '2f3d8e89ff3dadcdf0e4e39939a7a558', NULL, 1, 0, 0, '2012-10-11 15:22:47', '2012-10-11 15:22:47'),

(4, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Vu', 'Thang', '[email protected]', '85f3d261cd3e3ed13915a69afc50bcea', '2012-10-11 10:57:18', '2000-02-03', 0, NULL, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1, NULL, '0.000000', 0, 0, 'b7f6b3d588e62a1eb83f52c3f0feba4e', NULL, 1, 0, 0, '2012-10-11 16:57:18', '2012-10-11 16:57:18'),

(5, 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Tony', 'Vip', '[email protected]', 'c0d6c93db4cf95fe917339217d89572a', '2012-10-16 10:04:25', '2000-02-02', 1, '', '2012-10-16 16:04:25', 0, NULL, '0.000000', 0, 0, '3ea8d0d0baf06c584f0f8f7c7ab4bab1', NULL, 1, 0, 0, '2012-10-16 16:04:25', '2012-10-16 16:04:25');


I sent an email to the editor of leotheme.com

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Hello Imacomweb.

I don't know why title of this thread is Beware of...

YOU MEAN we hack your data or some thing, why you have to warning?


I only want to share free template to everyone...

you can see in this link:



have 2 files:

1. leo_sportshoes_v15x



2. leo_sportshoes_quickstart_v15x



Do you see why a template have 2 file?

If you don't know you should research or send me a question first.


1. leo_sportshoes_v15x

=> it will run like a normal theme of prestashop.

this mean, when you have an avail shop. you want to change theme, you can use it.

Did you check this file?

if you download it from my site. You will don't see any file sql file in it.

if you download it from my site. You will don't see any file sql file in it.

i don't know the file in http://www.themeprestashop1-5.fr

My site is leotheme.com ( remember it)

Can you make sure that the file you install is this file?


2. leo_sportshoes_quickstart_v15x

you can install it like default prestashop file ( quickstart file)

You can use it, if you want to build a shop from scratch.


I installed the http://www.themeprestashop1-5.fr theme, called leo_sportshoes_v15x in a subfolder, called leo, of my vhost.


I used the same db, but with different tables prefix.

=> Yes, it is our error, in sql file to make quickstart, we don’t change





@Then, looking at the configuration table, I found that time was set to Asia/Ho Chi Minh, currency was Vietnamese such as a lot of other data. The administration language was set to Italian.

=> Sorry for it. We have to drop table ps_configuration and insert our config theme.

So after install quickstart, you have to edit our shop infomation.

In the future we will update install quickstart function to keep infomation input when setup.


@Hopefully, there were only demo vhosts, so I deleted all data and db from the server, and no payment module was set up.

ð If you build a shop from scratch. And use your quickstart file, you have to use new database like you install perstashop. If you a developer you will don’t talk like that. We only onverride your database use quick start file database to make your site run like 100% our demo.

We don’t get information of customer. Rememeber only insert database.

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Found in leo_sportshoes_v15x/install/data/theme.sql : INSERT INTO `ps_contact` (`id_contact`, `email`, `customer_service`, `position`) VALUES (1, '[email protected]', 1, 0), (2, '[email protected]', 1, 0); INSERT INTO `ps_currency` (`id_currency`, `name`, `iso_code`, `iso_code_num`, `sign`, `blank`, `format`, `decimals`, `conversion_rate`, `deleted`, `active`) VALUES (1, 'Đồng', 'VND', '704', '₫', 1, 2, 1, '1.000000', 0, 1), INSERT INTO `ps_customer` (`id_customer`, `id_shop_group`, `id_shop`, `id_gender`, `id_default_group`, `id_risk`, `company`, `siret`, `ape`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `email`, `passwd`, `last_passwd_gen`, `birthday`, `newsletter`, `ip_registration_newsletter`, `newsletter_date_add`, `optin`, `website`, `outstanding_allow_amount`, `show_public_prices`, `max_payment_days`, `secure_key`, `note`, `active`, `is_guest`, `deleted`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES (3, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'hgjg', 'jghjgh', '[email protected]', '4c842c5eabdcd4a26e64bd8e68117cd4', '2012-10-11 09:22:47', '1988-10-16', 0, NULL, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1, NULL, '0.000000', 0, 0, '2f3d8e89ff3dadcdf0e4e39939a7a558', NULL, 1, 0, 0, '2012-10-11 15:22:47', '2012-10-11 15:22:47'), (4, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Vu', 'Thang', '[email protected]', '85f3d261cd3e3ed13915a69afc50bcea', '2012-10-11 10:57:18', '2000-02-03', 0, NULL, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1, NULL, '0.000000', 0, 0, 'b7f6b3d588e62a1eb83f52c3f0feba4e', NULL, 1, 0, 0, '2012-10-11 16:57:18', '2012-10-11 16:57:18'), (5, 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Tony', 'Vip', '[email protected]', 'c0d6c93db4cf95fe917339217d89572a', '2012-10-16 10:04:25', '2000-02-02', 1, '', '2012-10-16 16:04:25', 0, NULL, '0.000000', 0, 0, '3ea8d0d0baf06c584f0f8f7c7ab4bab1', NULL, 1, 0, 0, '2012-10-16 16:04:25', '2012-10-16 16:04:25'); I sent an email to the editor of leotheme.com


this data only for your demo. when you run your shop, you have to delete it.

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Hello Imacomweb.

I don't know why title of this thread is Beware of...

YOU MEAN we hack your data or some thing, why you have to warning?


I only want to share free template to everyone...

you can see in this link:



Hello Romeo Tran,


I'm not mentioning the theme you offer on your server, but the one found on http://www.themeprestashop1-5.fr

My fault is not to have checked where the student downloaded the theme, because I was busy on something else, and it was the end of the session.

I usually never use free themes.


If I had looked at http://www.themeprestashop1-5.fr, I'd seen there was absolutely no identity of the owner of the website, only an information on the owner of the "demo" video : http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeysJXLL1tRQcwphxUBmNuw


Besides, have a look at http://www.themeprestashop1-5.fr, you'll find out they say your theme is their.

I don't know if they modified your theme or if they only want to collect email addresses, but my message is a warning about http://www.themeprestashop1-5.fr, not your website !S

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

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Dear all.


if you see a free theme with LEO:

leo tshirt, leo hitech, leo sport shoes...

Please access your site: leotheme.com to download free theme don't need register.

After download, please watch 2 videos for clear about file you download:





We don't responsible , If you download leotheme from other site

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