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presenting a product image that's NOT cover

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I'm tweaking the default theme, and I have a problem in product presentation. I want to use two different images, one for cover, used in category and featured view and another one, let's call it detail view, to be used when we see that product details, in product.tpl. I don't know how to access that second image.


In the code


getImageLink($product->link_rewrite, $cover.id_image, 'large')


I think I'm supposed to swap $cover.id_image and the other image id, but I don't know how to get that id. I should be fairly easy, because I'm only going to have two images, and it's the second one and the one that is NOT cover. I've been looking through the forums and the documentation, and I cannot find it. Any hints on how to do it? Thanks a lot

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