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Test me please..


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello! The black font on the maroon add to cart button is too hard to read, too many top links (forces two rows), the slow change of images in the slider is a little - well slow, taking me to the check out page when I add an item to the cart isn't good for me if I want to keep spending money on your site - I personally like to stay on the same page, your pagination and sorting problems are in your product-list.tpl


There is a pretty common occurrence of issues there it seems.


Nice stuff btw! Hope you get things all sorted out. Best of luck!

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Good concept. In your product page, why not define size, material, colour as characterisitics of the product ? It seems like you have put them in description if I am not wrong. It is better as characteristics as you can have things like filter option in your category page.


Hope you'd find it useful

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