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Contact form, configuration


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I have been googling and searching this forum for my problem with setting up contacts in prestashop 1.5


I have a form, with 4 different contacts set up. But none of them is sending anything.


Also in advanced parameteres I have tried many different settings to get it to work.


The SMTP-user, is the email? And then password to that..


But as I have 4 different emails, i am not sure which of them to use.



As i said before I tried different settings, and it gives me different results, but none of them works.

When I try to send test email, i get errors or the it says that the messages is sent, but it is not.


Can anyone guide me to set up the emails?? What am I doing wrong?

Does the mail alert have anything to do with this?? It is deactivated...



// Sara

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Hello Sara,



Normally you should leave BO > Advanced parameters > Email set to 'Use PHP mail() function. Recommended; works in most cases'.


On that same page at the bottom you can send test email to the email set in the field. Just to see if that works.


Of course the PHP mail() function needs to be enabled on your server so it works.


If you want to know if that function is enable or not you need to upload a file (with the filename you want) anywhere on your server with that simple code to check if it is there:




Remove the file once you checked.


If not you may need to ask your host if they can enable mail() function or use the SMTP associated with one of your emails.

Usually some SMTP server comes with your ISP email (Internet Service Provider) and you may want to use one of those.



Hope this helps.



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Sorry for the late reply forgot to follow the thread and lost it. :blink:


Anyway phpinfo() does not seem to give the info we were looking for my mistake here... sorry brainfart :(


Could you please send and run a file with:



echo ((function_exists('mail')) ? 'mail() is enabled' : 'mail() is disabled'); 


PS: please remove the previous test file from your server as it contains things you do not want to share.



Hope this helps.



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