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Cart is on left when it should be on right

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I am a brand newbie, just started two days ago. I have downloaded a free theme but the layout is all wrong and nothing like the screen shot from the download details.


See attached photos. The cart is on the top left, it should be on the right and the footer is all over the place.


Can anyone help me get this to appear the way it is supposed to?





Edited by PEJ33 (see edit history)
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Hi There and welcome to the Prestashop Community!


Can you provide a link to the theme you downloaded, to have it as a reference?

At any rate, it seems that

1- SOme of the modules of the footer have to be removed (namely: blockmyaccountfooter in the first place)

2- The cart block in the top hook probably needs to be moved in its hooking position (modules -> positions. Look for "Top of pages" and try moving the cart around). If it should not be showing up by default, but only on hover, there is likely some Javascript issue on the page





p.s. If you want to learn more about prestashop modules, positioning etc, here is one of my Prestashop 101 Series tuts: http://nemops.com/prestashop-modules/


Hope it helps!

Edited by Nemo1 (see edit history)
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I see,

It seems that the cart should sit in the right/left column. Go to modules -> positions. As I said, find top of pages, and remove the cart from there. Then, click "transplant a new module". Look for "cart block" and set the the hook to "left column".


You can have a look at the tutorial if you have doubts ;)

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