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internet explorer 6

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Please check other versions of IE. I use 8 and it works just fine on my laptop

I think that the problem here, qasrani, is not that esperanza regrets that the shop is not being well displayed in his/her computer. What if a customer has IE6 ??

This problem is a current behave of IE6 when an element in the right, center or left column is to large. (IE6 misunderstand margin and padding). Try not to use padding in your theme with IE6.
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  • 7 months later...

i am facing this problem too with PS 1.2.5

im using the default PS theme

the right colum goes down with IE6
all this while i was happily using ie8 :0 ..one customer rang me and said to fix the website first :(

Pls help this is so annoying

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I agree, How many people are still using IE6, If 5% of your customers are and it affects functionality that is 5% of sales you could get with another shopping cart. Prestashop - is there any way to fix these issues. I believe Chome is also affected for some things judging by a post I read a few days ago and that is a current browser.

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finally its resolved

i added pc columus module ..i used 230 X230 ..after reducing it to 190 x190
all is well now...but yes i have lost a lot as i got average 100 new visitors but not 2-3 sales .

seriously we need to check browser compatibility..every time we do a change ..

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