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Prestashopt too slow

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Hello everyone, I just uploaded some 20,000 products to Prestashop with the default theme.

The problem is that the whole site is very slow, it takes an average of 40-50 seconds to load each page, including the home page, then so is unusable.


- The products are about 19,600

- The categories are twenty

- The subcategories are a hundred.


I have uploaded all the categories and products via CSV and then I did other configurations or enhancements.


Can you help me on how to speed up browsing in prestashop?


This canfigurazione the server.


Server information: Linux # 1 SMP Mon Jan 16 19:46:09 UTC 2012 i686

Version of the server software: Apache

PHP Version: 5.3.3-7 + squeeze14

Memory Limit: 128M

Maximum execution time: 120

information datatbase


MySQL version: 5.1.66-0 + squeeze1-log

Engine MySQL: InnoDB

Prefix Tables: ps_

Information about your store


Prestashop Version:

URL of your store:

Name your theme: default

Information on configuring email


Method send mail: Use the mail () function PHP

Your data


About tei: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv: 16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0


THANK YOU to all

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Sorry I can't help. I notice that you are now in maintenance mode which comes up lightening fast which suggests there probably is not a problem with the host


Perhaps you can try deleting all your products (I know). Basically clear everything out and perhaps start from a fresh install. Take one step and a time and test for speed along the way. That may help find where the problem is (Just a thouught I don;t know who the host is but they don't have a limit on database size do they? 20000 products is quite hefty)

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Take the site out of Maintenance mode so others can view the shop otherwise its hard to offer any help.

Do you have custom modules installed most times these are the culprits of slow page load times.

Disable any custom modules one by one testing after disabling each and you may find the issue.

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I agree with everything tdr170 said including take your site out of maintenance mode. Also, I found the Categories block module to slow a site down, especially with possibly 1000 products per category; mine are disabled. Should all else fail, I have my 2000 product shop on version 1.4.9, which is extremely fast and I recommend it for large stores. That store typically scores 95 on website speed tests, despite all the products.


It could be your host. How much RAM is available to your site?


I like 1.5.2, but I'm setting up small stores with it, as I found it slower, until the developers come up with a very fast application in the 1.5 series. There are a myriad of tweaks you can try and I found most of them do help toward the ultimate goal of a fast site.


I found cloud-based content servers to help some with speed. I run cloudcache on several sites and cloudflare on a couple of other new ones. It takes some of the load off your server.

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First, throw more memory at the problem and see if it helps. I would check into a better hosting package or another host. You can get by running a small shop on a shared host, but when you get a large shop, you need more server power.



Think of google page speed as the body on your car. Then think of your server as the motor. Aerodynamics help, but nothing replaces horsepower. Page speed only measures your onsite optimizations, you can get a 98 score while server returns pages in 30 to 60 seconds.

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Thank you all for the many answers, for now I solved by disabling some of the native blocks that slowed prestashop navigation much! ....

if by chance not solve sparrow to version .. but I would not do that! : (


I have a dedicated server with memory limit = 512MB and Memcache 1GB .. are enough or should I increase it?

Edited by Strady77 (see edit history)
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You might try turning off memcached and see what happens.



Thanks for the suggestion, but memcache should not serve to increase performance? removing it would get the opposite result, perhaps I have not understood anything about memcache! :)


Below would be my first guest. With that many products, you should be on a VPS. Just my .02


Memory Limit: 128M


Sorry but I did not understand

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have disabled Memcache and the site speed up!!! cache management is SXXT! ...

....To have a site performing I had to disable almost all modules of the FO, but it is still acceptable ... :(


Other ideas on how to speed prestashop or should I try to install the new version

Edited by Strady77 (see edit history)
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For PS with such amount of products I recommend moving to ngnix instead of apache. For 1.4.9 with 1000+ products (most products have about 10-15 combinations), huge subcategory tree I got significant speed increase. You can check www.mintstore.lv


Speak with your hosting provider as well, he can tell you where the problem is and what reduces response speed.


and yes, all PS cache posibilities slowed site down for me as well..



btw, what hosting are used? I hope it isn't shared...?

Edited by Tomin (see edit history)
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For PS with such amount of products I recommend moving to ngnix instead of apache. For 1.4.9 with 1000+ products (most products have about 10-15 combinations), huge subcategory tree I got significant speed increase. You can check www.mintstore.lv


Speak with your hosting provider as well, he can tell you where the problem is and what reduces response speed.


and yes, all PS cache posibilities slowed site down for me as well..



btw, what hosting are used? I hope it isn't shared...?


No, the server is dedicated and not shared .... :)

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Strady, give me a link to your site and turn on the console debugging window, more than likely your host is slow.


Thanks Dh42 this is the link to the site: accessorimoto.rawdata.it


For the debug console, how do I enable it?

I have to remove the site from its maintenance?

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Disable the block category tree and see if the site speeds up. Also turn on CCC and optimize the site a bit.


Sure, let me know when you have all of the products loaded. What are the specs on you machine too?

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Disable the block category tree and see if the site speeds up. Also turn on CCC and optimize the site a bit.


Sure, let me know when you have all of the products loaded. What are the specs on you machine too?



This is the report on the server information:


Informazioni sul server


Informazioni sul server: Linux #1 SMP Mon Jan 16 19:46:09 UTC 2012 i686

Versione software server: Apache

Versione di PHP: 5.3.3-7+squeeze14

Limite memoria: 1024M

Tempo di esecuzione massimo: 120

Informazioni datatbase


Versione di MySQL: 5.1.66-0+squeeze1

Motore MySQL: InnoDB

Prefisso Tavole: ps_

Informazioni sul tuo negozio


Versione di Prestashop:

URL del tuo negozio: http://accessorimoto.rawdata.it/

Nome del tema utilizzato: default

Informazioni sulla configurazione mail


Metodo invio mail: Usi la funzione mail () PHP

I tuoi dati


Informazioni su di tei: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:17.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/17.0

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You could use more memory, what is the processor speed? Are you on a vps, I haven't seen a dedicated with that little memory.


Now I ask the server manager then let you know.

What would be the configuration of the server hardware and software products ideal for 50000?

Edited by Strady77 (see edit history)
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You could use more memory, what is the processor speed? Are you on a vps, I haven't seen a dedicated with that little memory.



The server is dedicated:


vendor_id : GenuineIntel

cpu family : 6

model : 15

model name : Intel® Xeon® CPU X3210 @ 2.13GHz

stepping : 11

cpu MHz : 2133.460

cache size : 4096 KB

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