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possible virus?

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Hello to all,

Since yesterday I have some problems with the site in prestashop 1.5.2 during the day are being developed in many automatic pallet customers with an amount equal to 0 are also dramatically increasing the file 404 in Google webmaster tools with a strange file that I can not find anywhere that is mobiquo.php

I find a lot of files that do not exist that reveal speeder google will send you some examples:


42-vari/mobiquo/mobiquo.php? Selected_filters = mobiquo / mobiquo.php & p = 6

41-multistratrato/mobiquo/mobiquo.php? Selected_filters = mobiquo / mobiquo.php & p = 6

36-lusso/mobiquo/mobiquo.php? Selected_filters = mobiquo / mobiquo.php & p = 6

37-economica/mobiquo/mobiquo.php? Selected_filters = mobiquo / mobiquo.php & p = 6


I'm going crazy happened to someone?



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