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Categories not showing products

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Hello, I was using presta 1.5.0 and when created categories and some sub categories

if you click on a sub category it will say 6 products but it will not show anything, and some others will say you have 9 and show 5 of them...

I upgraded to version 1.5.2 hoping this would solve the problem but still same thing :(


the companys luch date is tomorrow


and example of subcatgory not working:


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Now lets try and solve this problem, and if anyone would like to quote me for support go for it

main things needed to be done for this site:

Configure and re-install or fix or re-developr or debug the following addons that we buy from addons:

1-Additional products on order page

this one says installed and it should work the version of presta but its not working

2-Zones by zip codes

this one says installed but its not working, i think it might only work with 1.4.9

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