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Swift Mailer update to resolve problems?

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My client has PS version Every now and then she gets and email confirmation through with no courier, delivery or billing address (although it is on the order page itself). Also customers are sometimes not receiving and order confirmation email.


I have read that an update to the swift mailer can resolve this. However, I have seen this mentions for PS version 1.4. Will this work for Whitch file needs updating? Just EasySwift.php? Her EastSwift.php says it is version 1.0.3.


Where would I obtain the necessary update (that of course would be compatible with PS 1.3)?


Thanks in advance for your help

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OK, so I have just downloaded PS v.1.4.9 as that is the version that seems to have had the swift mailer fix applied. I have run a comparison of the whole tools/swift directory using Beyond Compare (love that software!) and it seems that teh only differences are in these files:







Now only these two specifically mention a fix referrenced here: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/178615-swift-message-mimeexception-probleme-de-commande-fantome-et-mot-de-passe-oublie/





The other two files seem to add a few lines concerning "magic_quotes". Now since my client has PS, do I just replace the two files above or should I replace all four?

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