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Change Order of Specials form descending to ascending

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Newbie here, please bear with me a sec. I am using


i have scouted the forum and my prestashop installation by and large to find some option that would allow me to change the order of my listed specials from descending item quantity to ascending item quantity


Example: i get three intervals. If you buy from 2 to 50 you pay 10 per item, from 50 to 100 u pay 8, 100 and above you pay 5


After inserting the specials the table shows the item the otehr way around: if you byuy above 100 you pay 5 ...and so on you get the idea.


What files do I need to change? Do i then need to recompile? If so, how do I do that?


Edited by spakazuke (see edit history)
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