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help me: i'm trying to solve an error in address update i get.

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The thing is, i cannot get to the 'update address' part of the 'my account' options in the Front Officce. I mean, i can update an address, but i have to fill all the fields, because they are all empty. I need a clue as to what is happening.


I have a clean install of P 1.5.2. I made some modifications, but tried to restore them. Maybe i forgot something.


WHAT HAPPENS. I login an existing or new user. I go to my account->>my address. I see the user address(es). I hit 'Update address' button to edit an existing address.... and I get the form, but all the inputs are empty, without the values that should be there to be edited. The form's title is also wrong: is the same as with the 'create new address' form, but even without the name and surname fields filled, as I get correctly in that form.


Then if I fill the blank form, I get correctly to edit the first address, the only annoying detail is that the user doesnt get the values of his address to edit, they all have to be filled again.


So, it seems my code fails to pass this if test in Address.tpl:



{if isset($id_address) && (isset($smarty.post.alias) || isset($address->alias))}
{l s='Modify address'}
{if isset($smarty.post.alias)}
{if isset($address->alias)}"{$address->alias}"{/if}
{l s='To add a new address, please fill out the form below.'}


So, the first if surely gets $id_address, because its in the url. What about ($smarty.post.alias) or $address->alias? I don't know


Any help, hint or link to relevant info is highly appreciated... thnx.

Edited by josecar (see edit history)
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