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PayPal Pro validate order is not working

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Hello I currently have Prestashop

I have been having trouble with the original PayPal module, so I upgraded to the Pro.


When customers go to my website and enter in their credit card information, then click validate order. Nothing happens. Seems as if the button is not even working. It stays on the same page, no response.


my website is www.beautybynaturem.com if you want to try and see whats going on.


I also paid $200!!!! for this non working module!!

Edited by Danniee2122 (see edit history)
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I don't know if this helps, but I ran into a similar issue with a 1.4? version of PS - the address format from PS to Paypal was in correct due to differences between the UK address format and the US address format. I had to change some code at the time, but it solved the issue... That site is no longer up so I don't have the changes to share, but it should help get you in the right direction - maybe?



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