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Web service : assign category to a product


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I manage to add product in c# via webservice. I have just one problem. My product is stored in the back office but I can't see it in the front office. I supposed it come from the parameter <position_in_category> with the value 0. This parameter is in the read only mode. :blink:


My code in c# :

"<associations>" +
								    "<category xlink:href=\"https://www.mysite.fr/api/categories/" + ComboBoxCategories.SelectedValue.ToString() + "\">" +
									    "<id>" + ComboBoxCategories.SelectedValue.ToString() + "</id>" +
							    "</categories>" +
							    "<combinations><combinations><id /></combinations></combinations>" +
							    "<product_option_values><product_options_values><id /></product_options_values></product_option_values>" +
							    "<product_features><product_feature><id /><id_feature_value /></product_feature></product_features>" +
							    "<tags><tag><id /></tag></tags>" +
							    "<stock_availables><stock_available><id /><id_product_attribute /></stock_available></stock_availables>" +


Do I have to assign the category after creation of the product or is there any way to manage to assign category to a product via webservice ?



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