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Strange Cart Behaviour with Cart Rules

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I thought I could do a "Buy 3 or More Items and Get 1 Free" offer by using a cart rule to offer 1 free product when 3 were added to the cart, it seemed to work ok but theres a major bug if the free product is the same as the 3 being purchased.


It works fine to a point, enter 3 items, add to cart and the cart is updated with 1 free, the problem occours if you go to the cart and change the quantity using the plus and minus buttons. Firstly if you subtract one product leaving 2 in the cart, the free product stays, meaning the customer is actually only buying two and getting 1 free. The second seems to happen when you add extra products, the cart total then becomes wrong, if you plus it up to 5 or 6 products the free product remains as expected but the cart total now adds up to the cost of what ever's in the cart minus 1, so you now have a situation where the customer has 5 items with a total cost of 4 and a free product on a seperate line.


I'm guessing that somewhere in the calculations the free product is being counted towards the total in the cart and messing things up.


Just wondering if anyone has noticed this or found a fix, or am I doing something wrong (very possible)





prestashop 1.5.2

internet explorer 9

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