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change Accessories tab title

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Using Prestashop version:

PHP version: 5.2.17


I don't want to change any of the functions of the Accessories tab. I just want to change the word "Accessories" to read "Coordinates"

Not very tech savvy but have been able to snoop around just a bit in php files before to make such simple changes. I'm just not sure where to find the code and string.

Any help would be appreciated.




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  • 4 months later...

long time no posts but this helped me so i´ll add to it.


as Alexander said, use transaltions to change the other lang. text for that word but FIRST, open product.tpl and find the follwing line...


{l s='Accessories'}


and change the text to "Coordinates" (in the case of sherrie above) or any other text that suits you.


THEN go to the translations and edit the other langs. word.




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