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Order statuses + change quantities

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Again i have some difficulties configuring Prestashop 1.5.2, and hope someone can help me.


Regarding the orders states I need the following:

- Order (new) - to use when i receive the order. In this state i can change qty, add/delete products and clients should be able to the the order from "My Account" and receive the email confirming the order.

- Awaiting Payment - for orders payed by paypal, bank transfer,..., the order should have the above possibilities as the above one. (Step skipped in case of COD)

- Ready for shipping - Box will be closed, so no add/delete products

- Shipped,

- Delivered.


How can i do this?

I've already added some new status. But the order always goes to preparation in progress. And worst, i can't delete products or quantities... I've only checked "send email...", all other options are off, and i still can't change qties or delete a product...


Can some advise the best way to do this?


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