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Modules won't load

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I recently upgraded to It wiped the previous version so I have been gradually restocking.

Of late the modules were *reluctant* to appear and now ... nothing.

All the other tabs work fine, but my payment module goes to paypal sandbox so I can't sell anything and I can't do anything to change that state.


I am not technical but I can follow instructions :)

Can anyone help?

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  • 7 months later...

Hello El Patron! thank you for your help and all you do for the community.


I have a very similar issue. None of the payment modules load in the shopping cart on check out..


I followed you advice and turned on errors, attached is the page i am getting. Something about line 39. Ive tried a few basic edits and resaved to get it to work, it always gives me a different error.


How should i change the code so this error goes away and the payment modules load in the cart? Its the same error message from every module, as far as I could tell..


Thank you!




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  On 7/5/2013 at 4:08 PM, JamesDavid said:

Hello El Patron! thank you for your help and all you do for the community.


I have a very similar issue. None of the payment modules load in the shopping cart on check out..


I followed you advice and turned on errors, attached is the page i am getting. Something about line 39. Ive tried a few basic edits and resaved to get it to work, it always gives me a different error.


How should i change the code so this error goes away and the payment modules load in the cart? Its the same error message from every module, as far as I could tell..


Thank you!


I doubt that error message has anything to do with your payment modules not showing in the front office. After installing payment modules you should back office-->modules-->payment scroll down and you will see the payment module restrictions. Make sure that you have the modules set for the currency/country/group etc. that you want to offer that particular payment module with.


I suspect it's nothing more than not having the paypal country restrictions.


Here is a payment screen snap shot:



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Hello El Patron: Thank you for your consul and quick reply


I think they are correct, but not sure if im doing something wrong. Ive attached jpeg.


The shop truthfully wil be in germany with euro as default currency.


Im currently in new york. either way, all the us and germany checkboxes are checked...


Best, James



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  On 7/5/2013 at 4:32 PM, JamesDavid said:

Hello El Patron: Thank you for your consul and quick reply


I think they are correct, but not sure if im doing something wrong. Ive attached jpeg.


The shop truthfully wil be in germany with euro as default currency.


Im currently in new york. either way, all the us and germany checkboxes are checked...


Best, James


hi, checked back office...looks goood

in front office, using US address...it shows paypal and google as payment methods...so that is working...


in the country choices, you have Belgium and EEUU. I did not test with Belgium address.


don't know why you are not having same results...

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Thank you El Patron


Good to know at least loading..somewhere. HAve never seen how it look when working.


DO you think it has something to do with spinning wheel in bottom right corner?


Do you see that as well? I get it on two different terminals, and also mobile on iPad


What does that mean? This afternoon Ill be at apple store will test some of this from there as well.


Best, James


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  On 7/5/2013 at 5:40 PM, JamesDavid said:

Thank you El Patron


Good to know at least loading..somewhere. HAve never seen how it look when working.


DO you think it has something to do with spinning wheel in bottom right corner?


Do you see that as well? I get it on two different terminals, and also mobile on iPad


What does that mean? This afternoon Ill be at apple store will test some of this from there as well.


Best, James


you simply need to click 'terms of service' to see payment... :)


this is why you don't see the payment methods....

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Hi El Patron: Thanks for reviewing. I only wish it were just the check off box for terms. was first thing we tried days ago, and doesnt change anything. not the issue sadly. i just started a fresh customer and same thing occuring. im going to check from an entirely different computer. Are you viewing it on windows or mac? do you have the spinning wheel in bottom right corner too at all times while in the store?


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just noticed another new things as well. when you check 'off' from use same address as billing, you get an error message. can sign in to same customer i set up at test2@hudsonandcompany.com, same pass i sent you c****c. maybe something about the addresses im choosing? WIll go check it on other terminals at different site now. Thanks again El Patron


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  On 7/5/2013 at 6:43 PM, JamesDavid said:

Hi El Patron: Thanks for reviewing. I only wish it were just the check off box for terms. was first thing we tried days ago, and doesnt change anything. not the issue sadly. i just started a fresh customer and same thing occuring. im going to check from an entirely different computer. Are you viewing it on windows or mac? do you have the spinning wheel in bottom right corner too at all times while in the store?


hi, I use windows...or it uses me not sure which and from firefox.


try turning off the requirement for terms and conditions...but like I said it worked find for me....also make sure to 'only once' clear your browser cache and cookies....sometimes things get a bit wacky....

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  On 7/5/2013 at 7:04 PM, JamesDavid said:

what about the spinning wheel.


spinning wheel? screen shots, charts...facts...:)


you should turn off error reporting for now unless you need it. this can cause problems with headers...


I just tried testing on chrome....but icepay is taking a fatal error so I don't know if you are making changes and it's harder to hit a moving target....I won't be able to pay much attention on this issue...pm me if you need a recommend of someone that can help you...




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El Patron: Thank you again for looking into it. Im now at the apple store on 72nd street in new york. having same promblem, no different than before. could you post a screenshot of how it looks when working for google and paypal? by spinning wheel i mean that small spinning icon in the bottom right corner of the screen that never goes away and makes it look like something is loading. Even in that screenshot of the terms & conditions that i posted above. what is that and is it normal or related to this issue.

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ice pay not fully configured yet by any means only ones i would expect to show up if we wanted was bank transfer check and paypal. google checkout a surprise bc i thought i needs more config or an ssl. but if it works thats great. would love to see a pic. really need to get solved apologize for being a newbie. once get past this issue think will be set. thank you beyond words. best, james

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El Patron. First i turned off the terms and conditions button. then i deinstalled the icepay module. and now...it appears to work! i can not tell you how thankful i am for your expertise in helping resolve this. havent seen a real order go through yet per say...but i can now see the payment modules and the immediate issue has been resolved. if it pops up again ill reach out. thank you again! enjoy espana (my father-in-law german ex-pat lives out in Majorca). Best, James

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James that is great news...I am glad you can move on to better things...you have a nice site with great products....enjoy nyc...


  On 7/5/2013 at 8:50 PM, JamesDavid said:

what i meant by spinning wheel - is this in lower right hand side


that is you template...you should contact the developer...

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