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Heeeeelp! Deleted the other language and now can't acces backoffice normally everything is messed up

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Help me please!!! I've been working on this website www.skin79.ro for a long time now and now I just did the most stupid thing possible that I think I've just wasted all of my work. I've deactivated English and then deleted the other language forgetting I had English deactivated and now I cannot properly go into backoffice and make any changes. I'll give my passwords and everything to whoever is willing to help. I cannot believe I've done such a stupid thing :(((((((


Edited by andragro (see edit history)
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Hi andragro,

I'm not sure it helps but you can activate language in mysql manager. Do you have access to your database? If so, find ps_lang table and make English active. By the way change your admin folder name and don't show it because now everybody knows it's called "admin79"

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If you have switched the "active" field of the English language in the ps_lang table you could also try to change the language entry in the ps_configuration table.


As for your other language: you might have a look at the translations directory. If your action has deleted the "ro" subdirectory there you could consider to copy it back from a test installation.


If your Freelancer can't solve it you can pm me and I will have a look.

Edited by musicmaster (see edit history)
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