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How to change invoice pdf header spacing ?

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I would like to now how to change pdf header spacing in invoice.
I think it is too wide since I'm trying to create a smaller page.

I already know how to resize pdf page and spacing between order detail table and description table.
Pdf page resize using fpdf.php at line 120, playing around with the array number.
Rewrite spacing between order detail table ( order number, payment method.... ) and description table from pdf.php.
Before /*exit if delivery*/ line, this line


switch number from 15 to something else...

But not with the header spacing.
Also, after I resize the pdf page, if the item list goes into different pages, there are some random numbers pop up between descriptions.
Dunno what causing it, but that "ghost" number won't add to the total. But still cause a mess to whoever read it.

For note : I used a repaired pdf.php from modules section, the author is Infordesign. Somehow managed to transplant it into 1.1 and work good.
BTW, the ghost number is there from the original pdf.php and still exist after using the modified one.
I got a thinking that this problem probably from fpdf.php... but since the value used for the "ghost" number is price description..... could be something else from pdf.php ?

PS : sorry for the english, not my 1st language.

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Nevermind, finally found what I want. Now I'm able to resize spacing part.
Do able inside pdf.php, but need to find this line


And then change the number inside ().

But still that annoying bug about resizing page using fpdf page is still there.
At least now I know what bug is that...
The "ghost" number I refer to is from the most top item at new page. Yes, the most top item lost quantity/price description.
Somehow those numbers is printed at the middle of the page. Don't have any idea what causing it....

Can someone please help me here ?

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