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Delete a Catalog does not remove Products


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Yes that is correct deleting a category does not delete the products contained within the category.

If you want to remove all products and the category you need to delete the products then the category.

You can also move products from a category before deleting.

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When a check a category to delete I get this popup box - Am I reading it wrong or does the 3rd option state that the products will be deleted as well.



Do you want to delete products too?

  • No, I want to link products without other categories within the parent category and then disable them.
  • No, I want to link products without other categories within the parent category.
  • Yes, I want to remove products linked only within this category and no others.

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Nope you are right I have never seen this pop up so did a test on a 1.5 test site and ooops there it was.


So I deleted the category choosing the option to delete products and it did not delete the products.


So I created a new category and applied the product to it this time making sure that it was not assigned to any other categories, this time it deleted both the category and the product.


So if the products are assigned to multiple categories such as Home the products will remain as part of the other category.


So check again and see if this is the case with your install I tested this on 1.5.2.

Edited by tdr170 (see edit history)
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